August, 1926: MARINE REVIEW 51 to sha, achstdec ete KEG? V *% f s ™ ! f 4 4 % s a i 4 % 1] 4 % s % 4 , 4 %, f f % 4 , i 4 % j f %, ‘ * Y} y f “4 ,) y Ws ED | YPPP PEED SIPPLID 2 EEE EN ‘fe , f HY 4 ee) 1% <7 J § * ‘4 y +f ‘. pox JN Li CLA a 4 Sor he ats Wee SN a Pei rigrete a ‘% Ry vam eee Va SiABSy, 0 chan : 5 a oe FS wae a eat a ae a - ff? Ts: No gh tt hee i hewn te a a ‘6 a tlh mf TF dete ia achaaebehed totaled ed had ele deride Glen ota Poe , el )) “pve Dwewenmmanwavarsmnanedantnwe anny wong |, i! ais : % yo ppramamaaenenemernaatne nana ete nf ews i! } W he gy eee4, “4 Morb abr dard, “Ge Grrvwnca., Ree A Wt at a, Selaictateate ney gaan 5 wae -- om myreneres 4, a Maa 2 UY pores iy Hy etd Yj Rar mend a aS, RES a= ii obec ac ccercomennereneneneggsan ge diaue i, god benstte anna Riveter y) RES te fe ie iiss y is ses Li Sa You, Nyeis, PY ; J y ee N i) ty Papen eters si WAS Wherever there is riveting you will find a Hanna Riveter driving the rivets with a pre- determined uniform pres- sure, filling the hole and guaranteeing the maximum shearing and bearing {value for every rivet. HANNA ENGINEERING WORKS 1764 ELSTON AVE. CHICAGO, U.S.A. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers