August, 1926 Lundin Life Boats Saved Crew of Antinoe * Grening 4 10 tw Harding also of u. Vely.. lative Uree ty es HE Lundin boat is an all metal, broad, shal- low lifeboat, so buoyed up with air tanks as to be almost unsinkable. Capt. Fried of the President Roosevelt attempted to use none of the other lifeboats hanging on the davits and without the LUNDIN LIFEBOATS, an innovation of the last decade, Capt. Fried might have been forced to stand powerless on the bridge and watch the freighter go down with all hands. This is a sincere and authoritative endorsement that the ‘‘Lundin” may be accepted universally as the lifeboat for the heaviest seas. In rescuing the sailors of the Italian freighter Ignazio Florio three months ago, Capt. Grening of the President Harding also used Lundins exclusively. Chief Officer Miller spoke with unrestrained en- thusiasm of the Lundin boat, and one of the Roosevelt’s passengers, a veteran of many cross- ings, insisted that no other type of lifeboat could have lived in the waves between the American and British liners.” So Cceptog hat th UNiversa7) © Lundin Thee ae the He dod From New SS abot York Sun, . i eae Ls 1926. MARINE REVIEW 57 Dream Ships yoo have perhaps dreamed of that perfect ship on which the brass and nickel would stay bright without polishing. Cropon, the Chrome Alloy Plate, now makes this dream a reality, for, as Cropon surfaces never tarnish nor corrode, they never need polishing. A mete wiping with a cloth removes grease or other foreign matter, leaving the original lustre unaffected. Salt air and salt water have no effect on it. In fact, Cropon surfaces have withstood severe salt- spray tests for over 300 hours without showing any signs of physical breakdown. Each test has represented several years’ service. The unusual beauty of Cropon permits of no confusion with ordinary finishes. It is available either in a brilliant mirror-like surface or a soft silvery satin. Any Cropon-plated fixture is guaranteed to retain its high lustre and color indefinitely from the time of installation without the necessity of using abrasives or any polishing compounds. Moreover, a Cropon-plate will never peel nor discolor, resisting service wear, steam, sulphur and the majority of acids. Upon request our Marine Division will give all details and estimate the probable cost of Cropon- plating your present equipment or that of any new boat. Write the Chemical Treatment Co., Inc., 26 Broadway, New York City. Specify CRoDON for: Ships’ Bells, Binnacles, Binnacle Stands, Reverse Levers, Cleats, Engine Room Telegraphs, Chocks, Capstans,Windlass, Steering Wheels, Port Lights, Electric Fans, Search Lights and Reflectors, Plumbing Fixtures, Door Hardware, Hinges, Exposed Pipes, Rails. CRODON ‘The Chrome| FF Alloy Plate Applied Only to | Quality Products Chemical Treatment Co., Inc., Dept. M-5 26 Broadway, New York City Gentlemen: Please send me your booklet ‘‘Cropon for Marine Hardware and Fittings.”’ Welin Davit & Boat Corp. | »=- 305 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. any nian Snes e rane anaee ees nana nnn nanan nnn nrennenes MOF os ee tate. So Ce Be ee Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers