August, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 7 ee é \\ Ne nce JN x vif" iii ii rh i ao Wh ergy YOU LEAVE PORT With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel is furnished with Supplies that you can de- pend on. That is the kind we have been delivering to the boats on the great lakes for over 80 years. Our General Catalog No. 111 should be in the hands of every vessel owner or operator. Forwarded on application. GEO:B:CARPENTER & Co. MARINE SUPPLIES 436 No. Wells St. Chicago JERGUSON Engineering Specialties REFLEX WATER GAGES Used on all types of boilers by all the Principal Navies of the World “THEWATERSHOWS BLACK” ADVANTAGES: Quick and reliable observation of the water level. Safe, sure and durable at high pressures. Not af. fected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection against injuries to boilers and workmen. Easily ap- plied to all types of gage glass fittings. When filled with WATER the Reflex Gage always appears BLACK. When empty it instantly shows WHITE. No mistake pos- sible. This feature alone is worth many times the cost of the Reflex. Send for catalog of Water Gage Apparatus. MANUFACTURED BY THE JERGUSON GAGE & VALVE CO. WINTER HILL, SOMERVILLE, MASS. Permanent light-weight Construction at Low Cost. Weldwood Layers of wood welded together with a water resistant cement. The ideal material for bulkhead construction, door panels, ceil- ings, walls and drawer bottoms. Will not buckle or warp, stands by itself, requires no backing. Needs one-third less paint than composition material, by actual test. WELDWOOD is made by the largest manufacturer of plywood. Naval architects can choose from large stocks at New York and Detroit—quick deliveries from stock. 5-ply construction 5-ply construction of ww eldwood in of Weldwood in soft hard woods. Welded woods. Welded with with same water re- same water resist- sistant cement used ant cement used in in U. S. Airtcraft U. S. Aircraft pro- propeller construc- peller construction. tion. Catalogue and price list on request. UNITED STA ae PLYWOOD COMPANY, Inc. 603-07 West 36th St. New York, N. ¥. ‘Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 65