76 MARINE REVIEW August, 1926 A Hand Book of Practical Shipbuilding By J.D. MacBRIDE AN COMPLETE handbook on modern steel ship construction. It begins with ship- yard organization, and follows the work through step by step with detailed ex- planations and copious notes on the duties of each worker. The progress of the ship is traced from the time the first keel plate is laid, through the construction of the hull, the launching and fitting out of the propelling machinery and other equipment. Every tool used in the shipyard is written up in non-technical language which the aver- age mechanic can easily understand. It is a complete work by a practical man dealing entirely with the practical side of shipbuilding, and will enable the ship worker to obtain a firm grasp on the things that are going on around him daily. CONTENTS Shipyard Organization; Division of work; Shipyard Tools; Shipways; Keels; Shell Plating; Frames; Floors; and Longitudinals; Tank Top, Inner Bottom and Peak Tanks; Stem Stern Postand Rudder; Bulkheads and Hatches; Hold Stanch- ions and Foundations; Deck Beams and Plating; Ship Fittings; Joiner Work; Launching; Engine Room and Engines; Boiler Room and Boilers; Propellers; Auxiliary Machihery; Piping Systems; Hull Engineering; Engine Dock Trial; Ship Nomen- clature; A Glossary of Terms and Phrases. 156 ill. 2 folding plates 544 x 734 inches—flexible fabrikoid 246 pages $3.00 in United States and Canada 15s. in all other Countries THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Book Department Penton Bldg., W. 3rd St. and Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, O. Price, Postpaid 217 MD A restful night on Lake Erie on one of the great ships of the C@ B Line makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long, sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning. STEEL HULLS BRUTES Steamers “SEEANDBEE” — “CITY OF ERIE” — “CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May Ist to November 14th Eastern Standard Time Leave Cleveland—9:00 P.M. Leave Buffalo— 9:00 P.M. Arrive Buffalo— *7:00 A.M. Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A.M. *Steamer ‘‘CITY OF BUFFALO”’ arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Cana- dian points. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & BLine. New Tourist Automo- bile Rate $7.50 and up. Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship ‘‘SEEANDBEE”’ and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio FOR. ' x0) STRENGTH SERVICE | Four C & B Steamers in Daily Service Fare $5.50 .. ELLIS CHANNEL SYSTEM _ _ OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION | 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK | Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers