September, 1926 MARINE REViE w Columbian Rope Tape-Marked — Pure Manila Columbian Bodega in the Philippines Columbian Warehouse A Good Foundation Columbian is different from all other cordage, in that the Manila fibre from which it is made is purchased and sorted by our own organization in the Philippine Islands. Think what it means to have our own fibre buyers at the actual source of raw material, where they can obtain the pick of the fibre on the market. This is one reason for the superiority of Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope. It has a good foundation. 4 SEA, My 6By Invitation Member [if N Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street e Emblem of by H BUSINESS CHARACTER {i H Rice Leaders } | of lold. | Association § HA Represents High Standing in fy NAME-PRODUCT-POLICY jh corer sonactem maces ntn_ od Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers