September, 1926 De Laval-purified lubricating oil for the M.S. Gulfcrest The M. S. Gulfcrest of the Gulf Refining Company bears the distinction of being the first large vessel launched at the former plant of the New York Shipbuilding Corporation since that company was absorbed by the American Brown Boveri Electric Corpora- tion. Like most modern Diesel-engined vessels, she is equipped with a De Laval Oil Purifier in order that her two 1600-b.hp. A.B.B.- Werkspoor engines may have the protection of clean lubricating oil. This machine con- stantly maintains the efficiency of the oil by removing water and other impurities from it as fast as they enter the system. At the same time it makes it possible to keep the same oil in service indefinitely. Hence, the Purifier not only provides bet- ter lubrication but effects a decided operat- ing economy. MARINE REVIEW 47 At the left is shown the M. S. Gulfcrest of the Gulf Refining Company. Below: The De Laval Oil Purifier which furnishes clean o1l to her two 1600-4.Ap. A.B.B.- Werkspoor engines. De Laval centrifugal purification is rec- ognized by Diesel engine builders and oper- ators alike as a sound form of engine insur- ance. They know that with the cleaner oil produced by a De Laval, wear is reduced to such a degree that bearings run months with- out adjustment where before they ran weeks. Moroever, sludge no longer accumulates in the oil grooves and channels of the engine and the necessity for disassembling the unit for manual cleaning of the oiling system is practically eliminated. Mail the coupon for full details as to how this improved lubrication will quickly pay for itself on your ship. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR COMPANY 165 Broadway, New York 600 Jackson Blvd., Chicago DE LAVAL PACIFIC COMPANY San Francisco Lava Oil Purifiers Please send Bulletin containing further information regarding the De Laval Oil Purifier as checked below: { ] Purification of lubricating oil. [ Purification of fuel oil. | | | ’ fo Namie se ee ee oe ee pee cs een ee eae | | ] Company 4.4585. Mea laraeSiaanece lee eeligd ap AN ae egi ae Ia aS pas ols Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers