September, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 71 Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction THE “BRACKETLESS—SYSTEM” (PATENTED) Eliminates Bulkhead Brackets. Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage. Greatly simplifies construction. Greatly reduces cost of upkeep and cost of damage repairs. Greatly reduces cost of cleanin ks. Sub i i itudi ie , g tanks. Substantially increases the | strength beyond the well-tried ‘‘Isherwood System.” f tahonue: Hes — . ‘i i ol \ = ~ {| A 7 i SSS Sa = ———H = _ - s —— = 1 NS Li] Bima Si ny dj fae4H | | | lw | eS =a ——— lH | di “HO Uf For Particulars Apply Sir Joseph W. Isherwood, Bt. Varese foros and A restful night on Lake Erie The on one of the great ships of the C@ B Line Perfection W ater Still makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long, sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning. Marine Type Steamers “SEEANDBEE” — “CITY OF ERIE” — “CITY OF BUFFALO” Daily May Ist to November 14th Eastern Standard Time Leave Cleveland—9:00 P.M. Leave Buffalo— 9:00 P.M. Arrive Buffalo— *7:00 A.M. Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A.M. *Steamer ‘“‘CITY OF BUFFALO”? arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Cana- dian points. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & BLine. New Tourist Automo- bile Rate $7.50 and up. Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship ‘‘SSEEANDBEE”’ and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio Four C & B Steamers | SS S in Daily Service ne Rec Fare $5.50 ith a Stock sizes 5 G. P.H. to 300 G. P. H. Full information, blue prints, prices, etc. on request. Perfection Equipment Co. Market and 4th Sts. St. Louis, Mo. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers