September, 1926 MAREN BE RE Vi E-w 83 FOSTER SUPERHEATERS In use in over 350 ships. A necessity for turbine protection and engine cylinder economy. POWER SPECIALTY COQ. Gitte. CarAnestes «Piscurch =~ Englema 11) Broadway, 0 Y. Baltimore, Proctor Eng. Co.; A. K. Miller Engineering Co., Galveston, Texas, New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala.; Cleveland, R. G. Backus. Charleston and Savannah, Stuart A. Johnson Engineering Company. BOILER TUBES Seamless Steel—Charcoal Iron—Lapwelded Steel Marine and Stay Tubes with Marine Certificates E. F. KEATING CO. Est. 1885 446-454 Water St., New York, N. Y. Immediate Shipment from New York Stock Telephone Orchard 9700 San Francisco, California, Berry E. Dunn & Company, Balfour Building. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY Main 272. Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and Security Hatch Fasteners. For Ocean and Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK ASPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street - BUFFALO,N. Y. ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. Established 1837 Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle Propeller Wheels, Marine Engines, Brass and Iron Mar (94) eC R ep ars Castings. Large variety of Grate Bars in stock. Newport NEws SHIPBUILDING and Dry Dock COMPANY OO Newport News, Virginia. 226 Ohio St. BUFFALO, N. Y. NEW YORK ADDRESS: 233 BROADWAY Phone: Seneca 5361 KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. BOSTON—NEW YORK NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Contracts a Specialty New Branch now San ee MONTREAL 111 Commissioners St. Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, personal, con- scientious service. All business strictly confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Vessel and Insurance Agents EDWARD P. FARLEY & CO. a1 8s Leste Incorporated Marine Insurance Steamship Owners, Agents and Brokers JOHN PRIN DI VI LLE & SONS New York Chicace Vessel Agents and Brokers 11 Broadway 6 North Michigan Ave. 411 Chamber of Commerce Grain Exchange MILWAUKEE WINNIPEG O S B O R N & L A N cG E ’ Inc. John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius INSURANCE : AVERAGE ADJUSTERS BOLAND & CORNELIUS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. Marine Insurance Agents INSURANCE EXCHANGE Marine Trust Building 175 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO, ILL. BUFFALO, N. Y. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers