12 MARINE REVIEW October, 1926 Unit 5 of the Laid up Flect in the James River, Va. Co. called for delivery to the latter, on payment of $1,697,470 in cash of 199 TABLE I steel ships ‘“‘where is” and “as is” for the purpose of scrapping within a Lakers Bought by Ford for Scrapping specified time of something less than Year two years. The hulls had to be Name Design Location Built Where Built By Whom Built scrapped and could not be converted Ti Ate VAC ORR io irs ak 1020. =Norfolk 1918 Superior, Wis. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. to any navigable use and any ma- or fee Neu oitaERthes et Nee Le ie qeevcene ee eee ere pide: oe A pe BONO RECR SSO euses ale ew Orleans uperior, Wis. mer. ipbldg. Co. chinery salvaged could not be sold Lage BEACON........... 1020 Martel 1918 Chicago, II. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. : AKE BENBOW 2 oiccy 8 bs 102 range, Tex. 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. and if not scrapped could only be ce yao! Aled na wee ees nee: Tex. 1918 Ge Amer. Shipbldg. Co. . ; 1 ; ur- AKE BLANCHESTER..... 2 ew York 1918 Cleveland, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. used ea conjunction with the » LAKE “BLEDSOE. +... 0. 6c. *. 1020 Norfolk 1918 Buffalo, N. Y. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. chaser’s own enterprises. The con- as ag Bean ee Nonfat i 1918 Chicaeo, 1 Amer. Shipbldg. Co. 3 RE OAT O ONG ccc karcaue 2 ew Yor 1918 orain, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. summation of this sale represented the Laxe Catistoga. 21 1020 New York 1918 Toledo, Ohio Toleda ‘Shisbldy. “Co. ‘ ARE CALLICOON 33% 00) x; 2 range, Tex. 1918 Toledo, Ohio Toledo Shipbldg. Co. first serious attempt on the part Laxe Catucoon........ 1020 Norfolk Wis Bugslo WN. V2 Nene Sispblne Co. of the government to get rid of a Lake CuartotresvitteE.. 1020 Philadelphia 1919 Toledo, Ohio Toledo Shipbldg. Co. & & Laxr CopLey 1020 = Norfolk 1918 Lorain, Ohi A Shi Fide Cc 2 RN UR COPLEY Sk feo I orain, Ohio mer. ip = Ea: sizable block of the less desirable ieee Soe riggalaeoriians 1oe8 re ise 1918 ee Oe Amer. Shinblde: Co. . ARE DARAGA ik ob. Norfo 1918 yandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. of the large number of useless laid up Laxe DELANCEY........ 1020 =Norfolk 1918 Buffalo, N. Y. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. ships composing so great a part of the ee Robes SIA cee ee eo Deas Greene Hea pees: UE ne eee Co. ; AE LEAT an tue iladelphia orain, io mer. Shipbldg. Co. emergency merchant fleet. poe: DuNTEN eae ute Nee a ey ee 1918 wean, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. ’ : 5 AKE “DY MPR Ge 6 ok. 102 range, Tex. 1918 Superior, Wis. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. Government’s Scrapping Policy TERRE SHOKHART 65 ne 1020 =Norfolk 1918 Lorain, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. In the July 1925 number of MARINE ed ope Dea eal aaa a ieee Noe rig Lorain, Bae es Shipbldg. Co. : ARE sEVUSINOR ES 4 os. cc's Norfo orain, io mer. Shipbldg. Co. Review the general policy of sale for Lake Ennis eee a st 1020 Norfolk 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipblde. Co. . * : . ARE FONDULAC#.): 3.57. . n. Detroit 1918 Chicago, Ill. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. scrapping was discussed editorially Lake Gawonn soc ocin 1020 Norfolk 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. and the following quotation from this AE GARZA oad eet: 1020 New York 1918 Lorain, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. z 2 i - Dake GABPA Ris oc 1020 =Norfolk 1918 Lorain, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. article brings out some _ interesting Laxe GEDNEY.......... 1020. Norfolk 1918 Cleveland, Ohio © Amer. Shipbldg. Co. facts: : DAKE GURBE le eee oS 1020. =Norfolk 1919 Superior, Wis. Amer. Shipbldg. -Co. ac & i eis ad TORO a ae Seated 1919 bag ee : Amer. Shipbldg. Co. Asked what. effect scrapping of Re (GORENG ieee es as New Orleans 1918 yandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. : i Ee Laxe GoRMANIA........ 1020 =Norfolk 1918 . Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. vessels would have in maintaining a Mee Goya Pape et ONE US aed, Ala. 1918 Cleveland, Ohio Amer. Shipbide. Co. - ‘ ARE WES. chao orfo 1918 Cleveland, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. sufficient reserve for national. de- Lake banca. 0 00000 1020 Norfolk 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Ghipblde. Co. : PPRROIIASAN Ging shot woo cas range, Tex. 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldg. Co. fense and Ae commercial PET EOsE: Cee Tanah ee. 1020 New York 1918 Superior, Wis. Rm Ohaus Co. Chairman O’Connor said on May 19: Le Hod egia Sie hrm ieee a es event op pipe Shipbldg. Co. A , : AR IG RQ AY cy Oe ee orfo uperior, Wis. . Shipbldg. Co. “In April of last year a committee PARe Martate eens ee New York 1918 Chica aa: Il. hee Shipblde. Co. * = AKEUNARKAN Oo. oe 102 New York 1918 Cleveland, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. of experts representing the war de TAKE ORMOG; 5) Gen oe 1020 New Orleans 1918 Wyandotte, Mich. Detroit Shipbldp. Co. partment, navy department, depart- Lake OTSQUAGE......... 1020 New Orleans 1918 Buffalo, N. Y. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. f t th ih Laxe Pickaway......... 1020. New York 1918 Lorain, Ohio Amer. Shipbldg. Co. ment of commerce, together wit rep- ae STAD Boece Maeve ck ue Noe ee eee Sie Toledo Shipbldg. Co. f PRESS ARR PVA ARA | shoo: orfo icago, Ill. Amer. Shipbldg. Co. resentatives of the shipping board and Dae Veiveunen 1020. Norfolk 1918 Lorain, Obi Amer: Shipbiae. Col: the Emergency Fleet Corp., after a (Co ee ee survey of the government fleet, made ee es ee ae to me the following report concerning UNIT 10 OF THE LAID UP FLEET IN THE JAMES RIVER, VA.