October, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 31 Rope that Is Rope You may sometimes hear the expression, “(Oh—Rope is Rope,” just like ‘‘Pigs is Pigs”, meaning that all rope is similar. Almost all rope does look alike until you begin to examine it closely. Then you can tell the difference between Guaranteed Columbian Rope and ordinary rope. You can see that an excellent grade of fibre is used, which is purchased by own own fibre men in the Philippines. You can see the result of the fact that Columbian Rope is made in the most modern Cordage Mill in the world. The even yarns and the perfect lay reflect all that is modern in Rope making. Take a few coils aboard and compare a Columbian Tape-Marked line with any other line you may have. You will then know why many ship operators, who insist upon value received, demand Columbian, the kind containing the red, white and blue Tape- Marker. Columbian Rope Company 322-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. | Nue-movucr-rouct # Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans GUARANTEED LUE (oeeercoLyMBIAN ROPE C6, ssuan ASK FOR “COLUMBIAN” TRADE MARKE: Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers