October, 1926 MA RIN BRE V Le A 39 cA GREAT DREDGE for a GREAT J HEN the Atlantic, Gulf a Pacific Company undertook ‘the WX dredging contract off Miami, they ordered constructed at — Newport News the great dredge pictured above. This dredge, _ recognized as the most modern now in operation, is direct con- nected, Diesel-driven, with a 26” suction pipe. Likewise,the War _ : Department Engineers ordered at Newport News the Dredge =| _ “Raymond,” for service in the Delaware River. ‘In addition to the tremendous major construction conetantly im process at the Newport News Yard, square-end equipment forms no inconsiderable volume. It can be built rapidly here | —the yard facilities are unequalled and the climate permits - outdoor work the year ’round. It can be built economically —labor is plentiful and coud : It is built to wear — “like a Battleship,’ is the reputation. of Newport News.. For quick delivery ; economy of construction; and long life; consider this Plant first in your nee Newrort News SHIPBUILDING AND Dry Dock ComPpaNy Newport News, Viroinia, U.S. A. - New.Yorx: 233 Broapway Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers