October, 1926 MARINE REVIEW Al A Complete Line of Marine Auxihary Sr d, General Service Pump _ L 7. Furnace Front : a , _ Dahl Mechanical Bethlehem is Prepared Oil Burner to Furnish and Install. Marine Auxiliary Equipment: —for every auxiliary requirement of newly constructed ships. —for the complete conversion of the auxiliary equipment of ships. —as a part of a complete motor- Blecttic ship conversion. ace —as individual auxiliary units for Windlass every purpose. Weir Type Feed Water Heater We will gladly furnish, on request, detailed information regarding our marine auxiliary equipment. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. GENERAL SALES OFFICES: 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY DISTRICT OFFICES: Boston, 100 Milk St.; Philadelphia, Widener Bldg.; Wilmington, Foot of West St.; Baltimore, South and Water Sts.; Cleveland, Union Trust Bldg.; Chicago, Monadnock Bldg.; San Francisco, Matson Bldg. THLEHEM Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers Reciprocating General Service Pump