October, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 3 THIS IS. A GYRO COMPASS. THE EARTH’S ROTATION CAUSES THE GYRO WHEEL TO MAINTAIN ITS AXLE IN THE TRUE NORTH AND SOUTH MERIDIAN. IT IS NOT AFFECTED BY ROLLING, BY THE: MAGNETISM OF THE SHIP OR EARTH, OR BY ELECTRIC STORMS. ITS TRUE NORTH INDICATIONS ARE ELECTRICALLY TRANSMITTED TO THE BRIDGE FOR ACCURATELY GUIDING AND NAVIGATING THE SHIP. ITS USE RESULTS IN GREATER SAFETY AND INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF SHIP OPERATION. THE SHIP’S EQUIPMENT AND THE PASSENGER CT HERE is a growing interest amongst the sea-traveling public in the adequacy of ship equipment which affects their safety. Consequently a number of passenger steamship companies have installed their Sperry Gyro-Compasses in places that are conspicuous or easily accessible to the passengets. § Recent examples of this are found in the new and exquisitely furnished Merchants and Miners Transportation Company’s ships Chatham, Fairfax and Dorchester. A view of the Sperry Gyro-Compass installation on these ships is shown above. The card insert is a replica of the plate mounted near the compass to explain to the passengers its contributions to safety and efficiency. Write for new Edition of the Gyro-Compass and Gyro-Pilot Catalog. THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPANY LONDON NEW YORK TORYO Representatives in CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers