48 stored up and used to increase the outflow in times of light rainfall. By means of these regulating works, the levels of the Great Lakes would be stabilized, sanitary district engineers contend. Secretary Hoover’s assertion that cement and steel will be the solution of the lake level problem, and that engineers and not lawyers ultimately will solve the issue, is be- ing used to bolster the view that the sanitary district is not responsible for the disturbance over water leve's in the Great Lakes shipping indus- try. MARINE REVIEW J. SMITH, 140 South Dearborn street, Chicago, has been named general agent for Swane & Hoyt, Inc., ship owners and agents of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Oreg., Los Angeles, St. Louis and Chicago. The concern operates the America- Australia Orient line, and other serv- ices operating from the Gulf to the Pacific. Pun eee. ICHARD THORP, son of H. W. Thorp, president of the Goodrich Transit Co., has returned from a trip to Europe. The trip, which was October, 1926 part of a university-educational tour, occupied about three months. * * * TS abundant yield of the Michi- gan fruit belt is likely to develop a considerable increase in fruit ship- ments on Great Lakes vessels this fall as compared with a year ago. By the middle of September fruit ship- ments were about equal to those in the corresponding period a year ago, but last year’s shipments will be more than matched when the final returns for this season are in, as the 1926 yield has been slower in ripening. Ocean Freig ht Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to Sept. 18, 1926 on Future Loadings NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY AND SOME INCREASE New York Cotton General cargo {tFinished REMARKS _ From North Pacific Lumbe to ; Grain Provisions (H. D.) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... 3s Od $0.50 $0.40 0 20 $0.40 $0.75 $7.00T Fair Sani Brancisco, oésso5 eons $4.50 to 5.00 Londone% 2s 6dt 0.50 pe 0.20 0.40 0.75 7.00T Fair South California......... 4.50to 5.00 Oslo. sass $0.15 0.45 0.50 0.27 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Fair Hawaiian Islands........ 9.50 to 10.50 Copenhagen... 0.19 0.45 0.40 0.26 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Fair New Zealand: cs: 16.00 to 19.00 Hamburg...... 0 19 0.35 0.40 0.24 0.37% 0.75 8.00T Mery 200d -Gydney 8 so ec os 12.00 to 13.00 Bremen'a. 2. 0.20 0.35 0.40 0.24 0. 37% 0.75 8.00T Very good Melbourne-Adelaide..... 12.00 to 14.00 otterdam and ‘ Fo 0.40 0.32% 0.50 0.22 0.35 0.70 7.50T Very pood Page yi ee cae - eyht Antwerp...... 0 09-10-11 0.32% 0.35 0.18 0.35 0.70 7.50T Fair Pa Chie 2 12.00 ee 13.50 Havre. ..:..... 0.11 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0.75 8.00T Obie ee ape 16.50 to 18.00 | Bordeaux...... 0.11 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0.75 8.00T Quiet Cone ee oe 14.00 3 15.00 Barcelona..... ee 12.00T 0.30 10.00 —12.00T— 8.00 to 15.00T Fair ated: Bee Se 70s to 85 g : ; pibleicie Cas 8 Tyisbon. sie sss 3 0.65 0.40 7.00T —20.00T— 7.00T Fair United Kined Hs 2 gdom (ties)... 70s to 80s Marseilles. .... 0.55 0.30 6.00 —20.00T— 5.501 Poor Baltimore-Boston range. .$13.50 to 14.50 Genoa........ 0.23 12.50 0 40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T Fair Pistida Renee ONS fica Naples: sc:c2cu:. 0.23 12.50 0.40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T Fair Wouce ice 14.00 to 15.00 Constantinople. 0.27 17.00T 0.75 0.40 —20.00T— 9.00T Vist yisoode te ae ee : : Alexandria..... 17.00T 0.75 0.40 —20.00T— 9.00T Very good _ Flour and Wheat Misiones: 0s : 0.75 0.50 0.40 —20.00T— 10.00T Poot nf K. = Continent Goi Dakar... <: Spot 15.00 14.00T —21.00T— 10.50T Very good , $8188 ton)............ obo: 7 48 Oe: Capetown..... 9.00T 20 00 13.00T $0001 11,00 te 18 00L* Verx good et, F400, 202.75 Buenos Aires... Aas 20.00T 3 BoA —20.00TT 8.00T Very good **Rio de Janeiro 22.00T 8.00T 20.00 to 22.00T+ 7.00to7.70T¢ Very good Pernambuco... Weekes 22.00T 9.00T —22.00T—t SOT Very good Havana....... 0.2214* 0.50 eae 0.2214* ‘ Deke 4.00* Fair Vera Cruz. ..0 Seige 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.52% =1.05 0.30 to 0.35 Good Valparaiso..... 1.07 0.70 0.45 0.80 10.00T Good San Francisco. . 0.35 to 0.70 ae 0.50 to 1.10 Seas : 0.25 to 0.80 Fair Sydney........ a es 18.00T 125) 1.18T 18.00-24.00T 9.00-12.00T Fair Galeutta. ccs 34 woe : 0.45 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair T—Ton. tPer quarter of 480 lbs. tLanded. +}Heavy products limited in length. *Extra ch Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to Rio de Janeiro on account of congestion. Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom 8 Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom... 23 Coal, South Wales to Near East..... se Coal, United Kingdom to Buenos Aires.. Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $3 .70 Pig iron, United Kingdom to New York or Philadelohiay yeu cco cutee Tron-ore; Bilbao to, Cardiff ccc ik sos. fe Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... 11 Bunker Prices roa arge for wharfage, NOTE: Lighterage rates on fuel in New York reduced from 6% to 5c per barrel. Owing to the coal stoppage in Britain no outward freight rates or bunker prices for coal or pig iron are quoted. 6 General cargo rates to Havana change daily and are omitted for the time being. At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports Coal Fuel oil Diesel engine Coal Fuel oil Diesel Eng. oi ° alongside alongside oil alongside trim. in bunk alongside slongnide as Boca oe oe ; on per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel per gallon PSCC WG Sa Sa : $1.80 Oct. 17. 1925 5.00@6.00 1.70% 5.00c Nov. 18, 1925 5.40@5.65 1.714 @1.74% 5.15@5.25c Hampton Roads, coal, per Nev it... $s0@s.60 17036 5.00 Dec te: 3.15@5.50 1.71@1.7436 4.8008. 42 ee ae sity Ae ee Dec 18..... 5.60 1.70% 5.00 Tan, 20.. 3.4; 5.50@6.25 1.71@1.79 5.00@5.63 July 9— Cardiff, coal, per Jan. 7 5.50@6.25 1.75@1.80 5.25 Feb. 18... 5.80 1.78@1.86%4 5.14@5.50 fon. : ig od ar. 18..... 5.60@5.80 1.80% 5.50 Mar. 18..... 5.00@5.25 1.80@1.8634 5.40@5.65 London, coal, per ton. . .—s —d Apr. 22..... 5.25@5.60 1.80@1.81% 5.75 Bors 2c 5.25 1.77@1.8614 5.90@5.93 Antwerp, coal, per ton. .—s —d gee LOE 5.25@5.60 1.80% 5.88 May 19..... 5.25@5.70 1.82@1.86%% 6.15@6.38 Antwerp, Fuel oil, per ton 77s 6d June 18 . 5.50@5.60 1.80% 6.08 June 18..... 4.90@5.15 1.80@1.86% 6.15@6 43 Antwerp, Diesel oil, per July 20..... 5 00@5.60 1.80% 6 08 July 20..... 0@5.50 1.74@1 811% 5.09@6 15 HON i ca 4.978 6d Aug.12.. . 5.00@5.60 1.8114 6.10 Aue: 12.00% .00@5.25 1.69@1.7414 5.75@6.17 British ports, Fuel oil...72s 6d Sept. 18, 1926 5.45 @6.00 1.8114 6.05 Sept. 18,1926 5.00@5.35 1.74@1.7414 6.1414 British ports, Diesel oil. .878 6d