October, 1926 MARINE REViagEwW FOR LOWER OPERATING COSTS— Specify Crodon Finish e is no longer neces- saty for ship opera- tors to spend large sums for metal polishing. For Cropon- plated marine hardware and fittings retain their bright lustre indefinitely without polishing. CRODON isachromium electro-plate with a high mirror-like lustre. It will not chip or peel and indefinitely resists atmospheric corrosion, service wear,hightemp- etatures, steam, the ma- jority of acids, and all alkalis. CRODON prevents the formation of verdigris. Even in salt spray, fog or rain, it never becomes stained. An occasional wiping with a cloth to remove grease or other foreign matter maintains the Cropon 7s used for: Ships’ Bells, Binnacles, Binnacle Stands, Reverse Levers, Chocks, Cleats, Engine Room Tele- graphs, Capstans, Windlass, Steering Wheels, Port Lights, Electric Fans, Search Lights and Reflectors, Plumbing Fix- tures, Door Hardware, Exposed Pipe, Rails, Cuspidors, Coffee Urns and other Metal Equip- ment. original beauty of the finish. The sparkling beauty of CRODON adds con- siderably to the trim appearance of any ship, and in addition, since no polishing compounds are ever used, painted surfaces in contact with metal fittings never be- come stained. If you wish to do away with the heavy expense of metal polishing,seethat brightwork is CRODON- plated. Upon request our Marine Division will be glad to estimate the probable cost of plating the metal equipment for any ship. Our special booklet on CRODON- plate for marine hardware and fittings will give you complete information. 49 CRODON ‘The Chrome Plate Applied Only to Quality Products See ee ee Oe CHROMIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Dept. M-5 Name? 222 Ue ee ee eee ee 26 Broadway, New York City Address Gentlemen: Please send me your booklet, ‘‘Cropon Gity:. es State ee for Marine Hardware and Fittings.” Neme ok Boat Length es ee -eertsenpwe wee weene ne esew wwe ee ewe wee ee eee ee ee ew eee eK KH HO eee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee ee Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers