54 TABLE IV MARINE REVIEW Sub. Type Vessels Bought by Ford for Scrapping Name Design Location (BURNGE TR is Oh Sia bas ece 1023 New York AGAWAM Sic ose a we sid ate 1023 =Norfolk VATORIMOSA onic Gia chageis Giatess ee 1023 New York AL CONA tice oc cie ee ca es 1023 = Norfolk IGT ES os hee vera eit eee 1023 =Norfolk ING AB ET on: aul sain yehecuatcne 1023. New York BAVEEAD:))j Caukeraroe sete ai 1023 ~— Philadelphia BETHLEHEM BRIDGE..... 1023 = Norfolk Boston BrIDGE:........ 1023 = Norfolk BRAGHERD ooo yeer eo ore 1023 ~=Norfolk CARIBE RIDGES cos ose 1023 =©Norfolk CARL OTS foeiee ao se ce 1023 Philadelphia CHATTANOOGA: ibs. so 1023 =©Norfolk CONSORT sce Pees 1023 Norfolk Cuicaco BRIDGE........ 1023. New York OGRE eaeeie opoeleniate lene 1023 =©Norfolk COOURRT a wi ass tene es 1023 =Norfolkx COSKATAS (se ins 5 haere 1023 =Norfolk DADE COUNTY 218 )63 5-6. 1023 =Norfolk Davipson CountTy...... 1023 ~=Philadelphia Decatur BRIDGE........ 1023 =Norfolk INDEPENDENT BripGe.... 1023 New York INDIANA BRIDGE......... 1023 New York IA GR SONG ieee skew sare nee 1023. New York EFFERSON COUNTY...... 1023 = Norfolk NRRL be eats, Gace giee ie 1023 =©Norfolk WORNSON, CITY (3 0 hls 0: « 1023. = Norfolk KOOOTENAI aici ete hess 1023 = Norfolk LAcKAWANNA VALLEY.... 1023 Philadelphia Lorpsuip MAnor....... 1023 =Norfolk INUARGUG ror ce one oiee 1023 ~=Philadelphia MASSICR oh) eae Cece 1023 New York IMGNOMACTG Ata ee oe 1023. =~ Philadelphia MOoosEHAUSIC.....:...-- 1023 New York ONEKAMACT Rr 1023. New York OPRUTEAG eas elena 1023 Philadelphia OPEQUAN! cc. ce cee es 1023 New Yor ORGNORERS 6 cece seiies die 1023 New York PANO UA dinie corr coehaene a 1023 Philadelphia PARKSVILLE......... 1023 Philadelphia St. Jouns County 1023 Philadelphia SHORTS VILUE Na. safest os 1023 Philadelphia PE UAVANG occ chp eishaeies 1023. New York UATRAB Yo oe sco sere say nal 1023. New York Fort Pirr BrinGeE....... 1023 New York Hittsporoucn County.. 1023 Norfolx TOLEDO DRIDGE seis es. 1023. New York VINCENNES BRIDGE...... 1023 New York RVINCOMicioiisiecs (oie sie ccere 1023 =Philadelphia Wueeuinc Mo.p........ 1023 New York Ford Scraps Ships (Continued from Page 21) ner and to use them at different Ford branches for supplying power, this amount in many cases being sufficient for all the power needs of such branches. The contract under which these vessels were bought from the government directly prohibits the sale of any machinery of any de- scription or of any other part in its original state. Nothing of any de- scription is being sold in connection with this scrapping program. Can Use Steel Scrap Steel scrap is being used every day at present to the amount of about 400 tons in the open-hearth furnaces. With the mill running at full capacity it is expected that 800 tons of steel scrap a day will be used. The scrap is fed on a conveyor from the car to the shears. At the shears it is cut to charging box size and then lifted by cranes or magnets into the charging boxes and thus into the furnaces. Some scrap steel is also being used in the cupolas of which there are 33. Small quantities of steel is also being used by absorption Year Built 1919 1918 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1919 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1918 1919 1920 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1920 Where Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. ,N. N. ,N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Newark, N. Built 3 Sp eee nena lea ores ie vee iene See Oe a ee By Whom Built Boat Boat Boat Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Sumbarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Submarine Nore:—Refer to Tables I, II and III for a list of the Lakers.bought for scrapping. Corp. Corp. Corp. Boat Corp. Corp. Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Submarine Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Boat Corp. Submarine Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Submarine Boat Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. October, 1926 in the molten metal drawn from the blast furnace before pouring into pigs. A better grade of pig iron is thus obtained. From June 1, up to Sept. 22, 33 vessels have been completely scrapped at the Fordson plant. Twelve are in process of scrapping at all times. The rapidity with which scrapping is be- ing carried out has necessitated con- siderable attention to the towing schedule. The present average deliv- ery of vessels at Detroit is 15 per month and 12 vessels are at present being completely scrapped in four weeks, or in 20 working days. A towing unit consists of two “Lakers” in tow of one tug. Weather permitting the speed is 5 knots. Tows start out from Norfolk, Va., Chester, Pa., or New York bound for Montreal. Canal tugs then take both boats through the 26 locks and canals to Ogdensburg, N. Y. At Ogdensburg Ford’s tug BARRALLTON tows the two vessels to Port Dalhousie, the Lake Ontario entrance to the Welland canal. From this point canak tugs again tow each vessel through the Welland canal to Port Colbornés From Port Colborne on Lake Erie *Ford’s tug the BALLCAMP tows the vessels to the Fordson plant, Fordson, Mich., on the River Rouge. Tugs Radio for Instructions All of the Ford tugs are equipped with wireless and radio the home office at Detroit for instructions. The CEMENT IN DOUBLE BOTTOM TANKS AND IN INACCESSIBLE PLACES OF THE BOAT HAS PROVED TROUBLESOME TO THE WRECKER—DRILLING OUT CEMENT WITH AIR DRILL AUG, 28, 1926 AT FORDSON