October, 1926 MAR IN EB REY Tee 63 Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction THE “BRACKETLESS—SYSTEM” (PATENTED) Eliminates Bulkhead Brackets. | Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage. Greatly simplifies construction. Greatly reduces cost of upkeep and cost of damage repairs. Greatly reduces cost of cleaning tanl:s. ‘Sulstantially in-reases the longitudinal strength keyond the well-tried ‘‘Isherwood System.” SAS RSS EN ATES | ra) — .- < ( | Tt For Particulars Apply Sir Joseph W. Isherwood, Bt. Wier, longo, £03 Thorkote Cement or Plastic gives perfect protection against corrosion A new product—Thorkote—now opens up a new era in the deposition of as- phalt coatings. It eliminates heating and cut- backs or solvents, both of which destroy some of the natural properties of the asphalt. Thorkote is pure asphalt in a new is ; form—emulsified in water. The asphalt Fs Ba Pe ae er | is broken up into minute particles : 1 | (1/5000 to 1/10,000 inch in diameter) oa | in the presence of an in- ffs . ay | . ieee | ert mineral colloid which e a2 emulsifies it with the water. Thorkote is fur- nished in the form of Cement or Plastic, and may be appled by brush, trowel, or spraying. The water evaporates and the pure asphalt partic- : ee les coalesce to form a > oe i coating having all the : = : . ao ~ ff elasticity, ductility and phability that S. S. Edward Pierce went down in Boston Harbor in 1924. In going make asphalt an unrivalled means of per- down, Her bulkhead gare way, canang te ere of coal cout | manent protection. the water and the abrasion caused by the coal, the 85% magnesia i al J coating of the boilers (covered with Thorkote) were absolutely un- | Thorkote users include some of the most ipuiee wake Bere ee ee ee prominent ships afloat. List furnished ’ 135 Liberty Street, on reduces The Thorkote Products Co., Inc. New York City. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers A