October, 1926 FIBORE (FIBRE CORE) MANILA ROPE Patented June 23, 1925; Oct. 20, 1925; Aug. 3, 1926. SEA i aa B P SSS OO SSS SS FIBORE is unquestionably the strongest and most efficient type of large cordage ever developed. To the ship owner or operator FIBORE means added insurance. It means less delay in operation and greater safety for personnel and equipment. To the purchasing agent FIBORE means an opportunity for saving, with increased efficiency. To the ship captain FIBORE means de- pendability. It means more ‘‘sea-way” or “give.” It means greater reserve strength for emergencies and bad weather. It means a better satisfied crew because they no longer have to “fight”’ their lines into place. To the man on deck FIBORE means - less work with greater safety, and comfort. Our patented WATERFLEX treatment ren- ders FIBORE thoroughly water-resisting, permanently lubricated, and flexible—wetordry, A WATERFLEX FIBORE hawser will far outlast an ordinary line. It is a recognized fact that a large percent- age of ordinary rope does not wear out—it actually rots out because it cannot resist dampness, rain or water submersion as. WATERFLEX FIBORE does. No additional charge is made for the WATERFLEX feature. FIBORE construction is thoroughly pro- tected by basic patents in the United States and foreign countries, and can be identified by the orange and black ““Twinyarn” marker appearing on the outside of one strand. Write for descriptive FIBORE folder. MARINE KEVI EW Ae au rt Build Any Boat! HIS powerful Diesel tug has just been completed by us for the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company of Chicago. The WM. A. LYDON is 108! Q" in length, 25'0"' beam, and 14' 3% depth, and modern in every ,respect. No matter what your require- ments may be we can serve you. Manitowoc has complete facil- ities for designing and _ building steel passenger and freight ves- sels, carferries, Diesel ships, dredges, tugs, lighters, dump scows, car floats, marine engines and boilers, windlasses, winches, steering engines and all ship auxili- ary equipment. Then too, Manitowoc offers repair facilities backed by an experienced organization and well equipped plant that will insure prompt dis- patch on all kinds of ship, engine and boiler work. 65 WAITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY Manitowoc Shipbuilding 46 South Street. New York Corporation Manitowoc Wisconsin egy a aig Bhar Chicago, Etats Kansas City | MANITOWOC Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers