October, 1926 _ MARINE REVIEW 69 SHIPMATEHEATING| EXa@Ct position STOVES | aegtggsinece kn Own Lackisbach) An, ae oe LL , pooner e BF weather nondiilenay at all limes, cae as Kolster ipmate : Ranges, and Radio that is all that need be Compass sald. ey eliminates Seid te guesswork descrip- 1407 tive ° tolder. insures safety! Ship’s officers now have at their disposal the unfailing aid of the Kolster Radio Compass—an instrument of precision that gives them the exact position of their ships at any Th e time—in any weather—without delay and with- ; ; out calling on any one else. Perfection Water Still Marine Type No guesswork—no possibility of mistake! In thick or foggy weather—and without the aid of ~ Made by THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY CO. Established 1830 STAMFORD, CONN. ae the radio operator—the master can get his true a 19 = Built - position! Cleaned it Solid Copper . ° . . Throughout operate it after a few minutes instruction. Simple to operate. In fact any ship’s officer can Minutes Figures on complete installation glad- ly furnished. Occupies a minimum of space. Over 150 vessels equipped. FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO 25 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK CITY Japan-China Representatives: Sperry Gyroscope Co., Mitsui Building, Tokio Equip your vessels with Federal long-range radio equipment Stock sizes 5 G. P. H. to 300 G. P. H. Full information, blue prints, prices, etc. on request. REA? I (CONTINUOUS MLA) », RADIO EQUIPMEN PLE Os SON SO SO SO SOS Perfection Equipment Co. Market and 4th Sts. St. Louis, Mo. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers