MARINE REVIEW October, 1926 Parsons White Brass S. A. in The Greater Detroit This vessel and her sister ship the GREATER BUFFALO of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company embody the most advanced standards of ship building. They were built by the American Shipbuilding Company with particular attention to safety and uninterrupted service. The Greater Detroit’s Bearings— Conforming to the general plan of safety and uninter- rupted service, the main bearings, crank pin bearings and outboard bearings of these vessels are supplied with while the reputation of the makers is a guarantee of its uniformity. It is quickly melted, easily poured and easily machined. the best lining metal obtainable—Parsons White Brass, [ny the final analysis it is cheaper than other babbitts S.A. Its uniformity and durability ensure efficient pecause replacements are fewer. service voyage after voyage. Stocks kept in Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, The metal’s high physical qualities, viz. elastic limit Cleveland, Detroit, Galveston, Mobile, New Orleans, | under compression, hardness as shown by the Brinnell New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Write for 1 test and low coefficient of friction ensure its durability, prices to— } / | ; THE WILLIAM CRAMP & SONS SHIP & ENGINE BLDG. CO. PHILADELPHIA Why not replace your old winches with up-to-date machines Aa ameananintatt tnt TB 0: a. Hyde Steam Cargo Winch Installed on S. S. ‘‘Malolo’’ elicited I The Best Materials Rugged Compact Fast All Latest Improvements A Few Installations Malika, Bienville, El Oceano, Finland, Kroonland, Katrina Luckenbach, Walter L Bacto Gikde, dansko, Vakitieen Indepsadeoce, J. Lo Luckesbeck: john rece uckenbach, Marne, Aisne, Anaconda, Eastern Dawn, enbach, Edward Luckenbach, F. J. Luckenbach. Steering Gears, Windlasses, Capstans, Bronze Propellers Hyde Windlass Company Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Adver ORE ean Ne Ee. eT Bath, Maine New York Office, 172 Chambers St. i : | tisers f 4 See eT ET Lo eT ee Oe OO Pe Ee ee ee ee ee a ee mat