106 HTH) AU EETATT EARTHS TAETT TARA TORR PRAT TTT TT = A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. ........ 103 American Bridge (CoO. «..:...ceiessicccese 85 American Brown Boveri Electric COLD: 365555, SES SRD eae Coe are 41 American Engineering Co. ............ 47 American Shipbuilding Co. ........ ep & American Strombos Co., Inc. ........ 101 B Babcock &. Wilcox C0. casi... 85 Baldt Anchor Chain & Forge Corp. 58 Bessemer Gas Engine Co. ............ 39 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd. 25 Boland -@ Cornelis ®2s.3.....5..c..:cccuc- 107 Bolinaers “C05 ING. ieee cscs 35 Brunswick-Kroeschell Co.._............ 49 Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine OES IE ERG a cheoting slants Sg PMR RADE PD: geo 19 Cc Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co. ............... 95 Columbian Bronze Corporation .... 103 Columbian Rope Co. oié5.....s.ccccnss.sases 9 Continental Iron Works, The ......... 103 Cory, Chas., & Son, Ine. ................ 8 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & En- gine Building Co. ............ Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co. ........ acai 82 Crescent Washing Machine Co. ... 55 D DAO PRINS COs sci scssssncissceineastsce ce 99 Davis Engineering Corporation .... 103 Dea Brothers. CO. ..cciccics.cccsscsscassseees 99 De Laval Separator Co. ..........:..... 51 De La Vergne Machine Co. ........ 29 Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ............ G27 Diehl Manufacturing Co. ............... 53 Durable Wire Rope Co. ............0 99 E Electric Storage Battery Co. ........ 75 Ellis Channel System of Steel Hull CORPEPTICLION. ooissiccccocases Front Cover Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical YG se iin cy si phacaay iene sieatoey 93 F Farley, Edward P., & Co., Inc. .... 107 Federal Telegraph Co. .........:000+ 87 MARINE REVIEW sr MMM GUM UU oo NUNIT G General Bleetric Co. iiinicckcns. 31 Great Lakes Engineering Works.. 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The ............0 99 H Praddad, Sam: 00sec 105 Hyde Windlass Co. ............ Back Cover I Ingersoll-Rand Co. o...cccccceseceeeee 43 International Mercantile Marine MTNIRO Sh ees Giica tas aascouacueusuoseveers 101 Isherwood, Joseph W.. ..........ccc00 93 A | Jerguson Gage & Valve Co. ........ 101 K eatine (he Bie. Cee wie aes 107 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. .... 107 L Linde Air Products Co., The - eGR oe iss als Inside Front Cover Lombard Governor Co. .............00..-- 33 M McIntosh & Seymour Corp. ........ 23 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. .... 91 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Ine. .... 107 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. .... 107 N New London Ship & Engine Co..... 17 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry MOR OG ein asics 107 O Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. 107 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation 97 Osborn & Lange, Ine. .......:.000......; 107 Fr Patten, John S., Engineering Co., Inc. November, 1926 iia Perfection Equipment Co. ........... 95 Phoenix Ice Machine Co. ............ 107 Plymouth Cordage Co. .......:ccseeee 13 Power Specialty Co. .........cccceccneees 103 Prindiville, John, & Sons ............ 107 R Radio Corporation of America .... 108 Ritchie, E. S., & Sons: -...063.5-. 103 S \ Sharples Specialty Co. «0.0.0... 56 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co. ........ 101 Sievers &) Siggers © ..:3..:-cccssesecesaes 107 Sperry: Gyroscope Co. ai... ccc. 3 Stamford Foundry Co. ¢ ..:.:.:sccc0c..2 82 Standard Motor Construction Co. 27 Stratford, George, Oakum Co. .... 95 Sturtevant. Ba: FF.) 3Cor <n 97 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 77 Superior Iron Works Co. ............ 89 Fr Thorkote Products Co. Ine. ........ 89 Thorsen, P. S., & Co; Incl 3.03. 101 MAOOOUG, OW ee hc feu heecnrcecioon 103 Todd Shipyards Corporation ........ 57 Toledo Shipbuilding Co., Ine. ........ 79 WROUG; Hho Ory COe on ieee 107 Tyler Tube & Pipe Co. .......c.00 99 U United American Lines, Ince. ........ 101 United States Plywood Co.,- Inc.....91 United States Shipping Board .... 104 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. ......... Sees ee Vv Vacuum: OU Co. ao canes 4 WwW Welin Davit & Boat Corporation 87 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 45 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co. .. 107 Whitlock Cordage “Coe. Inside Back Cover Winton: Fugine Co. 3.5 34 3. 21 Worthington Pump & Machinery COCh. fic a Be i POPP Pere reer ereseereenoeeseeeese