November, 1926 MARINE KEV IE w es S. P. Steam Ferry San Mateo. The new S. P. Diesel Electric Ferries will be similar in design but will have the following di- mensions: Length O. A. 256 feet; Beam 44 feet; Depth 19 feet; Displacement 1600 tons; Capacity 90 automobiles. Southern. Pacific Selects 24 Nelseco Diesels These engines — 450 B. H. P., Type 6MI-22 — will power six Diesel Electric Ferries, the largest ever constructed. These ferries will be used by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in transporting automobiles across San Francisco Bay. This order—totaling 10,800 H. P.—is the largest commercial contract for Marine engines ever placed in this country. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE COMPANY Groton, Conn., U.S. A. NEW YORK SALES OFFICE KING, KNIGHT Co. 247 Park Avenue, New York City Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle NELSECO Original licensees from and collaborators with M.A.N. since 1910 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers