November, 1926 MARINE KE Vii EW ; 23 2700-B. hp.— One of the three recently completed for the U. S. Shipping Board BY INVITATION MEMBER OF NEW YORK.U.S.A. HESE engines have six cylinders of 32-in. diameter and 60-in. stroke, and operate at 95 r.p.m. An independent compressor integral with a 400-b. hp. Auxiliary Diesel engine, also of McIntosh & Seymour build, furnishes starting and fuel injection air for both engines. The unit immediately at the back was the first of the three completed and was tested in a 30-day non-stop run under supervision of the U. S. Shipping Board Engineers. The tests on this initial untt were so satisfactory that the other two were subjected only to 24-hour tests. As these engines are the largest Diesels of the four-stroke-cycle type ever built in America, the test results prove that both McIntosh & Seymour design and McIntosh & Seymour workmanship are in the dis- tinguished service class. Your marine propulsion problems could safely be put into the hands that made these big engines an outstanding achieve- ment. McIntosh & Seymour Corporation Main Office and Works: AUBURN, N. Y. Kansas City, Mo. 1016 Baltimore Ave. New York City 149 Broadway Houston, Texas 317 Humble Bldg. San Francisco, Calif. 815 Sheldon Bldg. Jacksonville, Fla. 412 Bisbee Bldg. RR | Ga Uninuiiiied “eogee Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers