MARINE REVIEW November, 1926 37 Plants and 105 Warehouses spell protection WHEN YOU order oxygen, you may come in con- tact only with the Linde district office and with the warehouse from which it is shipped. But you know that the oxygen will reach you without delay. It does not matter whether the order is for a single cylinder or a carload. It makes no difference whether every customer in your district wants oxygen on that particular day. There are 37 Linde plants and 105 Linde warehouses in the country, a total of 142 sources of supply, and their resources can be mobil- ized quickly and easily at any point. This means that your oxygen supply will never fail, even in times of severe stress. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY Manufacturers of oxygen, nitrogen, pyrogen, argon and neon Producers of helium for scientific purposes General Offices: Carbide and Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 37 Plants * 105 Warehouses ; HOW many times a single spot in an other- wise sound tank gives way! Perhaps it is | a riveted seam or perhaps a flaw in the metal. There is a Linde Procedure Control which tells you how to repair such a break safely and economically. There are very few pieces of equipment that cannot be reconditioned economically by the oxy- acetylene process. OXYGEN Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers