November, 1926 MARINE REV IE W 41 A..B.B."WERKSPOO DIESEL ENGINES Steamship Conversions —and for new motorships. Our 2000 I.H.P. Diesel engine illustrated is as installed in the converted Shipping Board vessels ASHBEE and JACKSONVILLE. The “GULFCREST’’—America’s largest oiltanker—a twin-screw motor vessel of 13895 tons d. w. has to date covered —without stop—30,000 miles, averaged 11.4 knots per hour on 13.6 tons of fuel-oil per day for all purposes. Our established record and experience in building all types of vessels offers a responsibility in such matters that should appeal to operators desiring any new tonnage of this nature. AMERICAN BROWN BOVERI ELECTRIC CORPORATION 165 Broadway, New York Camden, New Jersey 842 Summer Street, Boston 922 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila, 230 South Clark Street, Chicago Former plant of the NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers