Sk eae. Standard Open Type Sharples Super Centrifuge MARINE REVIEW — cman, pee ‘pee a |i AT FORCE November, 1926 OA a i a “Presurtite”’ Sharples Super Centrifuge (Fume-Proof) The World’s Finest Diesel Installations Are Sharples Protected Ir wAs NoT a matter of chance that caused the finest Diesel-driven ships in the world to install the Sharples Super Centrifuge. After thorough competitive tests and proven performance, Sharples Oil Purifiers were selected to safeguard the Diesel engines on the “ Aorangi’’—fastest motor passenger liner in the world. ‘‘Limerick’’—highest powered cargo motorship in the world. ‘“Monte Sarmiento”’ and ‘‘ Monte Olivia”’—high- est powered geared Diesel ships in the world. **Asturias,”’ ‘Alcantara’ and ‘‘Carnarvon Castle’’ —highest powered Diesel vessels in the world. The Sharples Super Centrifuge is invariably the final selection of Diesel engineers, power plant and marine executives for Lubricating Oil Clarification (1) It gives the engine bearings, at all times, a more complete protection against fouled or contaminated oils, than is possible with any other device or system. THE SHARPLES SPECIALTY COMPANY, 2338 WESTMORELAND STREET, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Tulsa, New Orleans, Engineers, Ltd., Aldwych House, London, W. C. 2, England; Ste. Ame des A Paris, France; Tatsumi Commercial Corporation, Marine Insuran (2) It removes from the oil, by continuous clarification, the water, sludge, dirt and abrasive material, and delivers to the engine an oil that is clean, safe and dependable. (3) It reduces lubricating costs to the minimum by making it possible to keep the same oil in service indefinitely. (4) Quickly reconditions oil containing a large percentage of sea water resulting from a piston cooling system failure. Fuel Oil Clarification (1) It removes sand, water and abrasive matter and materially reduces the ash content of the fuel oil, thereby protecting against wear and tear the cylinder liners, pistons, piston rings, valves and other moving parts. By preventing wear on cylinder liners and piston rings, fuel is prevented from contaminating the lubricating oil in the crankcase. (2) By delivering a pure, safe fuel at all times, it elimir ates misfiring and otherwise erratic engine performance. (3) Makes it safe to bunker oil at any station. Write for complete Bulletins on Lubricating Oi. rurification by the Sharples Standard Open Type Machine, and Fuel Oil Purification by the “Presurtite’ Machine (designed to be vapor-and pressure-tight, for treating hot oil without danger of escaping fumes). PHILADELPHIA. Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle. Super Centrifugal ppareils Centrifuge, 8 Rue du Helder, ce Building, Tokio, Japan. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers