November, 1926 MARINE. RE VLE WwW Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of vat A dj < egallltne, : i} a sy ee ho . |) STHE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WE Published monthly by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. i Cole Estep, Vice President A. H. Jansson, Editor : J. D. Pease, Advertising Director F. V. Cole, Circulation Manager H. O. Taylor R. C. Coursen Boston Office, 1037 Old South Bldg. H. R. Simonds Chicago Office, 1147 Peoples Gas Bldg. L..C. ‘Pelott Fred P. Pletcher New York Office, 220 Broadway, Joseph Fuller, Eastern Representative E. C. Kreutzberg B. K. Price Pittsburgh Office, 2148 Oliver Bldg. S. H. Jasper W. H. Lloyd San Francisco Office, 24 California St. Don Partridge Washington, D. C. Office, 1653 Pennsylvania Ave. L. M. Lamm London Office, 2-3 Caxton House, Westminster, S. W. 1 Vincent Delport Subscription United States and its possessions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; Great Britain and other Foreign Countries, £1:0:0. Single copies 35 cents. Back numbers over three months 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. supplies the trade with MARINE REVIEW through _ the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agent, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Member, the Audit Bureau of Circula- tions, Associated Business Papers, Inc. and the National Publishers Association. En- tered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1926 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. Transportation by Water FOUNDED 1878 CONTERTS Vol. 56 November 1926 No. 11 Page Diesel Engines Are Used With Success............ 12 Index’ to Diesel: Ships...6.00. 73333 13 Diesel Engines and Vessels (Sixteen)............ 14,. 2.42 Oil Purifiers and Diesel Engines........................ 44 Diesel Electric Propulsion in Fire Boat............ 46 By W. E. Thau Electric Deck Machinery is Efficient................ 50 By P. E. Kriebel Naval Architects Meet in New York................ 52 Electric Driven Auxiliaries Lower Cost............ 54 By Frank V. Smith Great Lakes Levels at Low Point.................... 59 By Col. Spencer Cosby Electric Winches Are Reliable........................0. 60 By J. 8. Carswell Photographs—Full Page Marine Events.......... 61 Personal Sketches of Marine Men.................... 62 Franklin D. Mooney By FE. C. Kreutzberg Control Ship from the Bridge..............2......... 63 By O. B. Whitaker From the Qld Log Book... 0...40. 5.3.3... 64 Oil Purifiers Are Needed.....3.6 ae 65 By Ralph L. Young Maritime Law—Late Decisions..........0:-..:.:054.0 66 By Harry Bowne Skillman Ohio River Traffic Increases.............---...0.0cc.++ COOL Convention in Paducah, Ky. By J. F. Froggett Freight Rates—Ocean—Bunker Prices................ 68 Marine Business Statistics—Ports................04 69 -Marine Disasters—Late Flashes................::00+8 70 Cut Fuel Bill on Lake Freighters.................... fa By Edwin B. Sadtler —————— Oe | RRIBTONI RS SRNL SPOR SALLIE ERTS IMIS ERS AES SPEIRS LT TELE LILA EE TLE,