Late Flashes On Marine Disasters Brief Summaries of Recent Maritime Casualties— A Record of Collisions, Wrecks, Fires and Losses DAMAGE DAMAGE NAME Date NaATuRE PLiace RESULTING NAME Date NATURE PLACE ; RESULTING Amazon Sept. 23 Disabled Off Milwaukee Crankshaft Kashima Maru Aug. 31 Stranded Off Chikuzen Sank Anderson Sept. 18 Ashore Watlings Island Floated ; sh Province A. N. Osborne Aug. 30 Aground Soo Not stated Koning Albert Sept Collision Lowestoft Damaged Alcantara Aug. 28 Collision Saloum River Damaged Kostantis Lemos Sept. 8.» Fire; Hull | Not stated Athelcrest Aug. 30 vena Mobile Leaking AH tare aan Le eae a a rr aoe be groun aikyu Maru ept. trande elmoken Islan ottom Andromede Sept. 5 Collision Dunkirk Not stated Koyo Maru Sept. 13 Fire Tokio Considerable Amberstone Sept. 9 Aground Kiel Floated La Savoie Sept. 14 Collision W. of Ireland Not stated Altona Sept. 10 Ashore Korsor Not stated Loyal Citizen Sept. 14 Hurricane Off Bermuda an Aleksander Sept. 16 Aground Faludd: Island Not stated Tillan Sept. 14 Aground Par Not stated Amiral Jauregui- Sept. 15 Collision Rio Janero Not stated To Oee.7 Collision Off Stapleton Bow plates nad isi Miron L Sept. 12 Collision Off St. Jean Bow Aurania Oct. - Collision Grennock Port bow 2 ; A. Cola, : Sept. 22 22 Collision Alboaza Pt. Not stated Melrose Sept. 19 Grounded Pollock Rip Tce oes ay tsuta Maru ept ale okio rokein two é d ; ne Pes ay i Neri | cin, | Sar ee OR ea, ae Bal S 25 Disabled ‘one Sickie Manchester Spinner Sept. 20 Aground Orignaux Point Floated Be. sam foe 1 hehe e Cyan Ficatea, gr. McKeesport Aug. 30 Aground Chesapeake Not stated ep Benn. 9 Collision avert ‘ Badly Macapa Sept. 1 on rocks Nr. Monsuba Pt. Floated s : é y Morgalau Aug. 31 Collision Antwerp Roads Port side B. L, Smith Oct.4 Struck pier Duluth eee Markakis Sept. 3 Aground Nicolaieff River Not stated Brierly Hill Sept. 13 Stranded Nygrund Floated Sipe ao oe ae aie = Reedy Island eae Shs ti j t d w rital ept. ire eorgia onsiderable Bulvciavs Sept, 15 Collision Rip lanere Homeced Northland Sept. 20 Disabled San Francisco Propeller Bulgarian Sept. 16 Ashore Dohan Aslan Bank Floated Neerlandia Sept. 13 Collision Pegwell Bay Considerable Byron Oct. 5 Fire Niece Work Not stated New Dawn Oct. 1 Ashore Storkmals Island Keel ee Transport eee u Sar tete Eee Aires Ne aged iat aes oe a aes ier es eta d edric Sept. ollision oston ot state regonla ept. ollision olumbia River amage Charles Whittemore Sept. 15 Ashore Apple River Floated; iis | Beer 43 er cund Ss ee Epoatee eaking capelle ept. groun or illip oated; Cc. ated Hubbard Sept. 30 Collision Lake St. Clair Not stated bottom Cabo Santa Maria Oct. 1 ire At sea Not stated P. W. Sherman Sept. 14 Ashore North Point Floated Chas. Pratt Oct 1 Collision New Orleans Considerable Pan America Sept. 1 Collision Montevideo Not stated pees fae Ze Bieta Nia ae jh Polyecms Bere ie Robison alate! wes ae s . Ss u ss amage ersla ept. t Cecil County Sept. 5 Ashore Boca Chica Not stated Pearson Oct. 11 Raruna Deeesic Rives Pinned Charles C. West Sept.9 Ashore Keweenaw Pt. Not stated Paris Oct. 7 Collision Havre Not stated Calcdonier ae ONC ee Bevehe nents Sots Not stated Cygnus Sept. 10 Collision Off Tilbury Dock Port side ee ee ee ok iS ne ae ee 1 Ne 2 hold Cotentin Sept. 16 Collision Nr. Cadiz amaged ai eeage ee 3 pees 1 Collision Mo He | Doe Nar d Christia A. Cox Oct? Sprang Leak Off Port Moulton Sank R ¥. hee a aed OE Bate Commercial Pioneer Oct. 8 Aground Off Eagle Point Floated | : ae ee vA Sank eae 8 Considerable aces an is ee nya ne castes Rafail Archangel Sept. 16 Collision Nr. Cadiz Damaged ulut ept. ollision uftialo ot state ve : . dpewmine Beet a zie ne tseaee vies Total i6ts Route ecko cee 0 yea oe iad aisy ept. truck pier ew Yor ow 5 Delta Sept. 18 Storm Lake Worth Wrecked SAGER Saag eres oa Gee is ne Le ee d Doris Hamlin Sept. 30 Ashore Off Shippegan Floated Brarfield S a 270 A ‘ee i Of Cc : one Flos orate Dafni ~ Aug. 30 Stranded Kephalo Imbros_ Floated ee oe Pee ape af oat’. Danks Sent 3 2. Collusion Ne Dever a chee oan yecete Bene df rertite ee peuseen, Sbeane) enecersie ads : ; wallow ug. 31 ollision ay of Bisca ao ae . Pu Cones npn we geoepod Hes Me Collen Bay of Biscay Nee acted enia ept. ollision ot state an olitai > lisi le H asteck Chomn Sept. 17 Collision Pollock RB. Not stated SchiAte” eee Cee ata Be anne Sakuraji M Sept.9 A d Elterwater Sept.6 Aground Stettin Not stated sham ey Oct, 5 Collision Pee eee oan Eric Holland Sept. 8 Collision Lowestoft Not stated Sunray Oct. 8 Ashore Nuevitas Floated pibing I eres 2 peta Rouereay Not stated Seventy Sept Hurricane Palm Beach Wrecked dpa ae sis Me oe saree Tracy Bros. Sept. 23 Disabled New Orleans Engine; Florence Sept. 24 Fire New Yor Engin room Tuxpanoil Canal bank ie Franklin Sept. 16 Collision ee Re sain Not stated badl anne Macianet Ash 2 : Hiclipe Sept. 3. Collision St, Catherine’s Pt, Sank Tetipa Cliccs - Wenes Ute Caer Flanders Sept. 15 Collision River Scheldt Rudder Takasago Maru ire Osaka Nos. 1 and 2 Forelle Sept. 15 Struck Bremen Broke in two hold nehoe Sept. 14 Struck obs. Detroit Ashore 'Teseo Collision Palermo Plates; Gast Sept. 27 Aground Mystic River Not stated : ie frames Give *Glasbruk V Sept.2 Stranded Anholt loated; Thorsteinn Sept. 15 Collision Reykjavik Damaged bottom Thorpe Grange Sept. 23 -Aground iver Parana Not stated Ganges Sept. 6 oe quay Havre Vigtee Utah Sept. 11 Ashore Punta San Juan ‘Total loss wa rames <s eines or HA pennies pete Not stated Van Sept. 12 Collision Boston Sten baer’ esine ept ollision amburg Badl iat ie A e Crsnland Sept. Disabled Gancahesen Gare coke Virginia Dare Sept. 16 Hurricane Nr. Manuabo ray oe Hazel Trahey Sept.9 Abandoned St. Johns Vaarli : aD Cn apie dada H. C. Frick Sept. 23 Ashore Point Aux Pins Floated Voraailles ae 37 Sica Of ater ian b Houma , Sept. 21 Fire Harvey Canal Sank Volumnia Sept. 3. Collision Nr. Dover . Anko: — Hanover Sept. 28 Disabled Honolulu Machinery ulcan Sept. 8 Fire Sacramento River Total | Handicap Sept. 28 Collision Columbia River Damaged W. F. Whit S 5 lee dae Hesbaye Aug. 28 Collision Saloum River Plates Willia A. © eere 15 Aground River Rouge Floated Heian Maru Aug. 28 Gale Off Saghalien Sank me ept. 14 Aground Columbia River Floated H. H. Rogers Oct. 4 Struck Bridge Lorain Plates ot S 9 Harpalion Sept. 14 Ashore Gulfport Not stated ace ept. 29 Aground Toledo Floated Tndien Sept. 15 Collision Badly a Ranecees hh a3 U peccees arent Turbine : 181 inona County ept. ire t. John No. 2 hold Iside Aug. 31 Collision Antwerp Roads Not stated Wilh . i ; Imperial Sept. 15 Stranded Gunboat Passage Floated : Shae eee Pareles Hort Morass Engine Igotz Mendi Sept. 23 Aground Long Reach Floated Walter Holken Sept. 10 Aground Brunsbuttelkoog 77 Not stated osiah B. Chase Sept. 25 Aground Smiths Point Floated Wabana Sept. 13 Collision Nr. Montreal Port side iul Sept. 2. Aground Sulina Floated Westlea Sept. 16 Collision St. Catherine’s Pt. Bens plates ohn Stanton Sept. 13 Disabled Lime Island Propeller William E. Litchfield Oct. 9 Collision Not stated jour and Mary Oct. 6 Struck rock Horton’s Point Bow W. A. Reiss Oct. 12 Ashore Southeast shoal Floated . B. Llovera Sept. 22 Collision Off Alboaza Pt. Sank Wellesley Oct. 10 Ashore Flave Waterloggsd Kiowa Sept. 11 Aground Acklin Islands Floated Yalou Sept. 19 Collision Not stated Bows Kalfarli Sept. 30 Aground Willamette River Floated Zillah Aug. 30 Sprang Leak Off Whitefish Pt. Sank 70