November, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 95 — YOU LEAVE PORT With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel is furnished with Supplies that you can de- pend on. That is the kind we have been delivering to the boats on the great lakes for over 80 years. Our General Catalog No. 111 should be in the hands of every vessel owner or operator. : A) Oh, ’tis hemp and singing pine Forwarded on application. for to stand against the brine. Rudyard Kipling. GEO':B CARPENTER & Co. HEN her gear creaks and her timbers MARINE SUPPLIES strain she needs to be “tight”. Real 436 No. Wells St. Chicago sailormen, those who love their ships, know that the only oakum to use to keep seams tight is the best. That’s why most of them insist on The Pete em | STRATFORD OAKUM re | a —. ; For nearly a century the seams of vessels Cleaned | | staunch and true have been caulked with in : Stratford Oakum. Heavy weather then means Minutes : little more than rolling and pitching, for Stratford Oakum keeps the seams tight. Caulk right and she’ll stay tight—that’s the story when you use Stratford Oakum. Don’t accept a substitute; there is none “just as good”’. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM COMPANY Jersey City, New Jersey. Also manufacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste Stock sizes 5 G. P.H. to 300 G. P. H. Full information, blue prints, prices, etc. on request. Perfection Equipment Co. Market and 4th Sts. St. Louis, Mo. * ERNE INES RYN DIE AAS ROUSSE IS LOC TNS EE TE DEEN EST LIE DER LE Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers