Published Monthly Vol. 56, No. 12 DECEMBER, 1926 15 LAVAL Compound Geared Turbines of 8000 SHP. will drive the new Morgan Liner being built for the Southern Pacific Lines by the Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. The turbines will operate on steam at 350 Ibs. gage and 200° F. superheat and are designed to drive the propeller at 90 RPM. The twin screws of the new 22,000 ton MALOLO of the{American- Hawaiian Steamship Company ‘will likewise be driven through four De Laval double helical speed reducing gears, one of which is shown above. These are the largest marine gears ever built in America, having a pitch diameter of 141 inches and 57 inches working face. The reduction ratio of the gear is 12 to 1, giving a propeller speed of 125 RPM., which is required for driving the ship at 21% knots. The unequalled record of De Laval gears in marine service has led to their use in the leading vessels built in recent years, as the MALOLO, EL OCEANO, EL COSTON, MUNARGO, CARIBOBO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, etc., as alsoin the high speed scout cruisers TRENTON, RICHMOND, MEMPHIS, MARBLEHEAD and CONCORD. De Laval geared marine turbines realize the highest efficiencies and lowest operating costs possible with modern steam conditions and are unsurpassed for reliability in operation. $3.00 a Year 35c a Copy Your Guide “To this Issue © Naval Equality NATIONAL policy depends for effectiveness on naval strate- gy. By neglecting to maintain equality in naval power under the disarmament treaty we have weak- ened as a world power. See Page 11 Naval Architects” proce. in any art origi- nates in ideas. The Society ' of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers offers an appropriate forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of experience. See Page 13 Trials, M. 5. oe ampa UCCESSFUL trials of the M. S. TAMPA with a double a ing engine, the first vessel of Full Formed Ships Acts form is obtained by | cutting away portions of the - block formed by its three dimen- sions. How little can be cut away for greatest economy as a —are0 carrier? © See Pogo 2 Port Houston Grows OUSTON is growing as a port due not only to its geograph- ical position as the logical o for a great rich territory but | to progressive development of — facilities. ‘See Page 26 A Great Inventor Y AWARDING the subj this sketch the me: ho