28 M.S. Tampa Sea Trials (Continued from Page 17) tion of the vessel was carried out by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Newport News, Va. De- livery of the hull to the shipyard was made June 7, 1926 and the completed vessel was accepted by the Emergency Fleet Corp., Nov. 2, 1926. Turning our attention for the mo- ment to the engine room, the ac- companying Table I of parallel columns gives the main and auxiliary ma- chinery before and after conversion. The original boiler and engine rooms were completely gutted, the screen bulkhead separating these two spaces was removed and the combined space MARINE REVIEW advantage for ease in operation. The main engine, a_ two-cycle, double-acting, four-cylinder, air-injec- tion, diesel engine of 2900 brake- horsepower at 95 revolutions per min- ute designed and built by the Worth- ington Pump & Machinery Corp. was illustrated and described in the April 1926 number of Marine REVIEW. After completion this engine was sub- jected to a 380 days’ continuous test under load from Feb. 2 to March 2, 1926. An account of this test with complete results was published in the May 1926 number of MARINE Review. In that test the average fuel consumption per brake horse- power per hour was 0.462 pounds, the average revolutions per minute December, 1926 pacity and size are listed in ac- companying Table 2. This vessel has been completely modernized not only in propulsive ma- chinery and engine room auxiliaries but also in all other equipment for her operation, loading and navigation. The original windlass was retained and rebuilt for electric motor drive, with a 45-horsepower Westinghouse motor and control panel and Cutler Hammer shoe brake. Nothing could be simpler or more compact than the steering gear. A 25-horsepower Westinghouse motor substituted for the original steam engine operates the screw through an enclosed worm and gear. The steering gear is op- erated from the bridge by a special M. S.-Tampa—Starboard side engine room looking aft—Marine engine to the right One of the three 75-kilowatt diesel engine generating sets in the center—Emergency lighting set at left background—Oil pumps and purifier in center background—Machine shop at left foreground from the forward boiler room bulk- head (which is also the after bulk- head of No. 3 cargo hold) to the after engine room bulkhead and shaft alley recess (forward bulkhead of No. 4 cargo hold) is now the engine room of the converted vessel. The layout of the new engine room including the main engine, three duplicate auxiliary generating sets, a vertical cylindrical boiler for heating, pumps for a vari- ety of services, lubricating oil puri- fiers, emergency lighting set, air starting tanks and other auxiliaries is shown in an accompanying illus- tration. It is evident from the ap- pearance of order and roominess that the arrangement of the machinery was carefully planned and that the space has been used to the _ best ‘was 96.4 and the average brake horsepower 2907. In the Tampa the main engine is’ direct connected through a Kingsbury thrust and new line shafting to the propeller shaft. There is a new four-bladed sectional type bronze propeller designed under the supervision of Admiral Dyson by members of the technical section of the Emergency Fleet Corp. All Auxiliaries Electric Driven All of the auxiliaries below and above decks are _ electrical driven. Direct current at 240 volts is supplied by three 75-kilowatt generators each driven by a three-cylinder two-cycle solid-injection 115 brake horsepower Worthington diesel engine direct con- nected. The auxiliaries, their ca- gyro pilot and dual electric steering system developed by the Sperry Gyre- scope Co. This equipment provides three methods of steering and a change from one to the other can be made by moving a lever mounted on the side of the steering stand to the positions “Gyro,” “Wheel,” and “Controller” according to the method it is desired to use. In the “Gyro” position the ship is steered automatically to the course set. In the “Wheel” position the ship is un- der control of the helmsman in the ordinary manner. In the “Controller” position the method is similar to that used in the navy, known as the non-follow-up and the electrical circuit is independent of those used (Continued on Page 66)