Marine Business Statistics Condensed Record of Traffic at Principal American Ports for Past Year New York (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926........ 486 1,954,853 542 2,301,465 September. ........... 492 2,087,694 548 2,270,398 PNT E i sctbiinaccssives 491 2,034,147 507 2,075,643 RELY one tekiotesescasuapues 493 1,948,183 546 2,251,396 UNE: Shasccisvsecsctteaes 542 2,387,678 563 2,279,208 MOG cc ehaiceass . 448 1,856,777 5388 2,126,788 April 483 1,967,964 5388 2,248,081 March ..... 523 2,090,347 511 2,033,938 February _....... . 404 1,591,278 454 1,826,886 January, 1926...... 407 1,671,761 463 1,883,094 Philadelphia (Including Chester, Wilmington and the whole Philadelphia port district) (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926........ 145 370,112 128 829,420 September ............ 107 234,144 82 196,434 August ... 109 248,485 81 170,661 July 92 191,680 69 128,381 June 104 229,681 56 109,561 yah tere le eae 97 215,829 69 151,287 Fira: .icvesvatasiecstes 80 185,401 61 135,919 Marehieisscsscciiccstevet 107 264,754 72 158,858 February _ ............. 78 184,715 52 113,763 January,. 1926........ 76 206,081 52 136,040 Boston (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net . Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926........ 109 300,921 58 171,933 September ............ 105 308,189 83 246,136 BUG BEG Fs cencisesscceses 128 821,377 96 206,879 PART Nacossatuncs dean cesens 152 836,135 108 274,513 SUMS a eP Soncpessersessce 164 870,526 109 262,468 DY ois hicscosenteies 134 277,009 111 261,878 PAST sis kcvseepdeasurccee 101 285,245 77 210,542 March scsi 117 856,482 62 173,217 February .scecescoore 92 268,475 42 136,613 January, 1926...... 97 287,835 55 156,167 Portland, Me. (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926.... 20 48,468 23 52,900 September ............ 24 43,783 19 35,828 47,089 26 45,669 47,885 26 47,569 44,390 29 46,942 49,894 17 47,016 48,836 32 73,947 97,413 81 88,462 January, 1926.... 26 78,508 27 81,917 Providence (Exclusive of Domestic) « —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No, Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926........ 7 23,091 8 29,815 September ... ae 5 20,651 5 22,324 August. ..... 6 20,764 3 12,299 EMILY caacseecaxgeacaslsenteve q 29,207 5 18,641 DUNG ieeiccirscasonanessens 5 17,954 3 8,355 MG? saceatsassennesesvase 7 25,057 6 20,806 INTL ccivcccests scngseus 8 28,449 5 23,480 ALON <aisexsccouseossasze 15 47,557 8 84,025 February — ......:sscse0 8 29,622. fj 80,033 January, 1926...... 5 20,355 6 24,221 Portland, Oreg. (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926........ 41 —_ 151,013 59 217,745 September .. ae 3) 126,772 56 201,152 AUSUSE® “ssdiocies 40 150,609 46 167,419 DUE cabvccosassecnatens 24 93,977 33 127,270 DUNG Saiccsnessssccsscceses 22 17,850 45 156,103 PAGS i cvciviscccdsdcccstoes 85 128,351 43 152,890 PDOE o sidcaiconcakeoescass 17 66,789 29 107,892 WRAY CH: iccsicisbcccesonse 21 85,073 38 134,432 February 9 ........00 23 81,440 38 114,147 January, 1926...... 22 84,722 26 97.068 Baltimore (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 271 791,999 261 783,263 September _.......... 230 678,127 224 670,465 672,453 221 639,677 644,261 202 603,648 402,230 1382 371,781 869,729 121 855,443 830,401 110 826,649 882,983 119 862,256 February 804,714 99 288,640 January, 1926 .... 97 302,341 88 264,249 Norfolk and Newport News (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 252 688,297 307 850,828 September ............ 252 705,604 281 766,503 AUSUBE fi scatieoals 188 545,861 255 783,837 RU ULL V7 ese reuse tase ueceoete 267 727,874 309 854,305 DUNG! eeestacsncpvesvecnsas 718 215,803 171 502,701 MAG cice eicsesesesaventey 40 107,858 140 868,515 April os ain esseouse 21 45,875 126 805,549 Marehyccscsciscestbancous 22 40,160 140 895,033 February — oecccsccscees 20 48,377 108 298,756 January, 1926 .... 26 69,958 96 256,019 Savannah (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage March, 1926 ...... 43 102,126 41 99,244 February 97,908 46 121,792 PANUANY.cisccscsrersecees 103,029 38 106,472 December 101,726 35 91,141 November 112,158 38 117,064 October 125,766 47 126,452 September 137,080 39 103,408 AUBUSE SE Aiccuseccns 77,027 389 87,455 GEIL Gece cacchcoannneoseucse 97,332 34 91,981 June, 1925 60,788 27 60,924 Key West (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 78 92,987 79 96,718 September _.......... 81 91,321 80 88,844 August 98,702 87 99,362 ALIVE side colessnsesessgants 86,124 77 86,323 DUNG. ietissietscatecscaenns 110,100 94 108,581 May ...... 126,089 109 120,597 Aprile is lestecsstssaseves 101,331 88 99,227 Maree sccssesccsconscssice 117,292 90 114,917 February 85,607 69 88,229 January, 1926 .... 80 110,684 81 110,084 Mobile (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 98 213,480 99 211,785 September _.......... 84 179,225 75 165,838 August 166,164 81 158,197 ALU ciceatatescerssseescbves 153,642 84 159,256 DUTIES sesssvdccatenssseneve 168,610 89 163,318 May 188,795 95 191,442 April 205,085 98 178,025 March .. 228,481 115 221,022 February 153,884 92 188,057 January, 1926 .... 109 212,005 78 150,384 Seattle (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 56 236,587 55 230,412 September 219,623 58 233,320 August 229,111 48 206,042 Sulys shee 146,670 81 126,407 UNS cai scissavsosseseons 165,989 42 181,090 Gs ccc cistaanaauehionees 159,755 44 163,718 OPIN ects ee 215,641 47 191,161 March 166,536 45 184,067 February 168,308 45 182,920 January, 1926 .... 45 182,889 50 204,058 29 ; New Orleans (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926...... 286 673,606 250 721,608 September ............ 226 620,095 240 666,778 August ..... 275 764,464 256 721,654 July 268 716,066 270 739,005 June 255 658,385 221 665,960 MAY jrssessersssssssecovonee 287 753,621 284 772,138 ADP Gy iciiitesisetecs 248 626,277 296 694,673 Mar OHS céccinvasixcuate 295 754,863 300 751,054 February © «......0.00 255 717,048 250 691,747 January, 1926 .... 241 659,776 248 652,209 Charleston (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net. No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 ...... 11 32,828 15 40,127 September .......... 22 65,872 34 98,447 August . 24 64,3834 20 51,505 July 13 37,020 13 33,908 SUNG: ¢ crschesbcievesendctsns 8 27,095 10 30,601 MAY ressosvassecsessenene 5 18,321 10 20,514 ApPilie Sicseisveesnce phen ba § 87,459 12 27,166 Mare icicssavines 18 64,4382 20 49,897 February —.........0 10 35.629 10 21,945 Janunary, 1926... 8 27,610 13 27,237 Galveston (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage September, 1926.... 52 139,219 127 368,302 August Oo 129,477 1381 389,432 July 60 164,241 116 352,290 June ... 53 119,497 72 185,444 May ssscsessessscnsenseres 28 65,578 61 180,449 April 37 87,3856 82 216,312 March 42 87,056 72 208,346 Pebruary!. cedsacssseess 39 89,426 T1 208,388 DANURLY: sass cyssbeecncas 86 92,194: 5 235,699 December, 1925.... 38 83,590 97 300,872 Los Angeles (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— -—Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 187 448,088 155 421,807 September. .......... 151 406,314 211 386,739 SUSE vedecsnespuateenns 143 458,240 151 399,849 DULL cibedbasteasesasvese 127 460,296 103 352,367 June 123 849,936 88 844,187 May 133 376,720 112 851,123 April 149 434,866 130 370,158 March _..... 139 871,793 128 805,105 February ccccecsccceee 119 863,875 111 306,161 JANUGLY vesscccecoscaces 130 881.785 115 335,041 December, 1925.... 149 392,707 109 310,852 San Francisco (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 145 582,024 1538 575,263 September —.......... 170 568,323 156 561,513 August 580,310 111 466,346 July 523,527 . 102 495,849 June 561,774 100 419,036 May 605,068 116 428,814 April 583,821 167 602,680 March 571,040 135 511,010 February «cscs ~» 188 506,778 134 506,317 January, 1926 .... 154 544,882 139 528,315 Port Arthur (Exclusive of Domestic) —Entrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net Month ships tonnage ships tonnage October, 1926 .... 19 53,558 23 71,270 September ............ 15 48,874 22 72,960 63,639 24 71,545 719,464 382 98,637 70,748 30 97,056 60,276 86 95,754 95,592 38 108,928 87,715 8T 101,830 65,930 82 70,814 75,282 {82 108,118