December, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 31 You are Always Safe in Buying Columbian With such a guarantee and backing as the Columbian Rope Company gives its product, Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope, you cannot make a mistake in . buying it. No other rope on the market is quite as safe a buy as Columbian, for no other rope has the tangible guarantee that you get with every Columbian Line. Think of it—a signed guarantee, right in the rope! It is easily found printed on the red, white and blue Tape-Marker, which extends in one strand, throughout the entire length of every Tape- Marked Rope, and reads; Guaranteed Rope Made by Columbian Rope Company ; Whether it is intended for rope slings, making fast, or work on board the ship, you can’t buy a better all-around good rope than Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope. Specify it on your next rope requisition. . SSSSSEESTA Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Emblem of BUSINESS CHARACTER [qj Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. LS iso Soot SS Mi sSSse Association Represents High Standing in ff NAME~PRODUCT~POLICY | reas Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans ae ae "GUARANTEED ROPE Loe \ Be xcow MBIAN ROPE CO,,avsuan, fF Ash FOR "COLUMBIAN” TRADE MARKED ROPE Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers