December, 1926 MARINE REVIEW Thorkote Has Won Facts Are The Best Proof of Quality In the“‘Leviathan’’—theworld’slargeststeamship—THORKOTE was used. As further evidence read this remarkable letter: UNITED STATES LINES 45 Broadway New York March 2, 1926. Thorkote Products Co., Inc., 135 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: When the S.S. ‘“‘LEVIATHAN” drydocked at Boston in Feb- ruary 1925, the space within the stern tubes that extend between the outer and inner bearings, were cleaned and painted with two coats of THORKOTE paint. Upon arrival of that vessel at the drydock in Boston during February of this year, three of these tailshafts were withdrawn and the condition of the THORKOTE was found to be as good as when applied. This I consider a most remarkable performance. We had tried many different materials for coating this section of the vessel without success. The propeller shafts average 180 revolutions at sea, and this causes a violent circulation of the water in this locality, usually working the sea water into quite a foam. This we have proven by drawing off water in this location when vessel was at sea, and proves the performance of the THORKOTE to be most satis- factory. The. Chief Engineer of the S.S. “‘LEVIATHAN” has painted the water boxes of the main condensers with THORKOTE and it has also given satisfactory results in that place. 3 I believe that you will like to hear the results of your material, especially as it is given without having been asked for, and no motive is attached to giving information other than to assist other superintendents who are troubled with corrosion.—Yours vege W. L. BUNKER Superintendent Engineer. WLB-LJ Thorkote Products Company, Inc. ASK US—Why FUEL OIL BEST BURNED By Use of BURNWELL EQUIPMENT —— OH FS : ; PATTEN ENGINEERING G Marine and Combustion Engineer: TEN HANOVER ST. ~~ NEW YORK CITY THORKOTE FoR years Steamship Owners and Operators, Engineers and Naval Architects have sought a waterproof covering for Magnesia and other heat insulating materials, which could be easily applied and repaired and which would not be eaten away by rust. ' This has finally been found and we offer to those seeking the maxi- mum of eficiency—THORKOTE. THORKOTE is a plastic material easily applied over insulating materials. It becomes hard shortly after application making an ideal covering for Boilers, Tanks, Feed Water and Oil Heaters. Brine Tanks, and Coolers, Deck Lines, Thermo Coil Heater Housings, etc.,; etc. CUT your port fuel charges by insulating your deck steam lines and protect this insulation with THORKOTE. Deck steam lines in the past have as a general rule been left: un- insulated because there was no practical protection for the insulation. You can now insulate your deck lines, cover with THORKOTE and take advantage of the fuel savings to be derived, THORKOTE CEMENTS FOR Tank Tops—Bilges Tail Shafts—Rudders Fore-After Peak Tanks Smoke Stacks Domestic—F-W Tanks Canvas Decks Coal Bunkers—Holds Standing Rigging Each branch of insulation especially studied and treated with regard to conditions and requirements, A LIST OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WILL BE FURNISHED ON REQUEST 135 Liberty St., New York If the numerous pleasant and gratifying things that SHIPMATE owners write us could be published without being taken for ordinary testimonials, we should like very much to print them, as they are very persuasive. Such expressions as the following fre- quently occur in our correspondence: “The SHIPMATE still occupies a very warm place in my affections and its circle of friends is constantly increasing.” From the Isle of Wight, England, “About nine years ago I bought a SHIPMATE;; it has been a great comfort, and absolutely successful; I want another.” THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY CO. STAMFORD, CONN. Established 1830 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers