34 MARINE REVIEW January, 1927 Mi‘ HEWS Electric Light Plants are Standard Equipment on the magnificent new S.S. Chatham, Dorchester and Fairfax just completed for the Merchant’s and Miner’s Transportation Company by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. E CONGRATULATE the Merchant’s and Miner’s Transportation Company on its 75th anniversary also on having selected the most dependable and reliable electric lighting equipment money can buy. There is nothing finer than Matthews. Originally developed for marine purposes, for nearly fourteen years Matthews Elec- tric Light and Power Plants have been continuously making good in all forms of marine plants embody maximum relia- bility and durability. There is a growing prefer- ence for Matthews plants based on known performance. Safety demands the best. service. May we send you the latest Built as fine machinery descriptive literature and should be built, Matthews prices? Typical Switchboard for Matthews Auxiliary Lighting Plants PP, SOL, Type of Matthews plants used Matthews plants are built in a wide range of sizes from 3000 watts to 30,000 watts capacity; full automatic, semi- automatic and hand _ con- trolled. MATTHEWS ENGINEERING CO., SANDUSKY, OHIO SOS AAR NN CR ei EG NNT TENS RA RINE Se a Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers