January, 1927 MARTNE REVI W 35 ss HASKELITE, _ the Fl AS AE a cemented with wa- terproof glue resist- = ing any atmospheric conditions. The only plywood meeting the Navy grade A spec- ifications for water- proof plywood. e t e Finished in HASKELITE AMON G recent important contracts for HASKELITE and PLYMETL were the three M. & M. Boats built by Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. HASKELITE was used for bulkheads and paneling and a large quantity of PLYMETL bathrooms. Year after year HASKELITE, the structural plywood, and PLYMETL, its armored companion, are specified on the important boats built and reconditioned. The record of 1926, like that of every recent year, shows a majority of the structural plywood, Three M. & M. Line Boats was used in the construction of all major contracts for ship joiner work Music Room of New Steamship Fairfax Show- going to H ASK ELT TE: a list of the i HASKELITE Bulkheads as _ installed ; rig the Dorchester, Chath ad Vie ] 92 6 boats on wh 1 h H A S K ELI TE and PLYMETL have been installed will be sent on request. Ask for full details of the application of these materials in ship joiner work. HASKELITE MANUFACTURING CORP. : 133 West Washington Street Chicago PLYMETL, steel faced plywood, com- bining light weight, strength and_ per- manence with re- sistance to abrasion and __ indentation. Widely used _ for galleys, doors, etc. LYAAE Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers MR1-Gray