38 MARINE REVIE W January, 1927 HODDNIOIDVNOODOOTOOOVAOONOUOOOOOOOOOOVOOOOVOTVOOOOTOOTODOOOOOOOOOOOVOTUOOOOOOOOVOCOOOAOUUOAUOAUOAUOAVOATO ATO Congratulations TeOM ONE OLD-TIMER TO ANOTHER Congratulations to a firm that has so successfully combined tradition with progress. a P a Congratulations to the company that meets its seventy-fifth anniversary owning the largest fleet of new vessels in operation. ab ) a Scovill is proud of the part it has played in the production of this fine fleet—viz., condenser tubes in the three newest and many other staunch ves- sels of the Merchant & Miners Transportation Company. SCOVILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY Established 1802 General Offices, Mills and Factories Waterbury, Conn. New York Boston Cleveland Chicago Philadelphia Los Angeles Atlanta Providence San Francisco Member, Copper and Brass Research Association Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers