60 Merchants and Miners (Continued from Page 24) lounge, smoking room and dancing pavilion offers a place to suit all of the various tastes of the traveling public. : The safety and comfort of passen- gers and crew were kept constantly in mind in the design of these vessels and the most modern appliances have been installed to accomplish these ends. For safety in navigation the latest equipment has been fitted such as the gyro compass, electrically oper- ated and nonmagnetic, the — sub- marine signal apparatus for detecting signals through the water sent out by lightships and lighthouses, the radio direction finder for locating the position of lightships or lighthouses or any other vessels sending out signals through the air, and thus enabling the ship to establish its own position in fog or heavy weather. A course recorder is also installed which records accurately the course sailed during any minute or hour of the entire voyage. Safety Measures Adopted Deckhouses are built of steel and are subdivided into various compartments with steel bulkheads and _ fireproof sliding doors to insure the safety of passengers and crew. Each state- room is equipped with a Cory electro- pneumatic automatic fire alarm which will register in the pilot house in the event of any room becoming over- heated. Lead soil pipes where pass- MARINE REVIEW J anuary, 1927 TERMINAL AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—PIERS AT 800 EAST BAY STREET—OWNED BY THE MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. ing through a deck into a freight compartment have a cast iron exten- sion piece which prevents the melting of the lead pipe in case of excessive heat. The freight compartments are fitted with the Rich smoke detecting and fire smothering system, this meth- od will detect smoke in any cargo space through an elaborate system of pipes which lead to the pilot house where a suction is constantly main- tained by a small fan driven by an electric motor, each pipe being marked with the name of the compart- ment it serves. Through this same system of piping, steam can be in- jected to smother any fire. To pre- vent the escape of steam and at the same time the induced draft through ventilators, each ventilator to each separate compartment is equipped with shutters which can be closed to prevent the inflow of air. The boiler room where oil fuel is used in the furnaces is protected with the. Lux carbon dioxide system which will inject CO, gas into the fireroom completely smothering any fire start- ing from oil. Life Saving Equipment Modern life boat accommodations complying in every respect with the rules and regulations of the United States steamboat inspection service is provided for all passengers and crew. The life boats are suspended under efficient Welin quadrant type of mechanical davits. The life boats are lifted or lowered by electrical TERMINAL AT BALTIMORE—PIER 3, PRATT STREET AT FOOT OF SOUTH GAY STREET—HELD BY MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS- PORTATION CO. ON 50-YEAR LEASE FROM THE CITY OF BALTIMORE