January, 1927 MARINE REVIEW ( Thorkote Fore and After Peak Tanks Tank Tops and Bilges The perfect anti-corrosive paint for the positive and economical protection of Domestic and Fresh Water Tanks Coal Bunkers and Chain Lockers Propeller Shafts Standing Rigging, Etc. Particularly suitable for confined spaces. An emulsified asphalt that can be easily applied cold and retains all the properties of the original asphalt after it has set up. Contains no volatile oils or solvents, gives off no fumes, and is tasteless. Thorkote Plastic A protection for insulation on boilers, tanks, steam lines, etc., absolutely waterproof and _ airtight. ‘Airtight protection to the insulating substance 1s the key to permanent insulation regard- less of the kind of material used—and there is absolutely no exception”. Also for decking — a mastic flooring. Literature and lists of satisfied users furnished upon request. 135 Liberty St., New York City Thorkote Products Company, Inc. WHITE BRASS S. A. PARSONS’ in one of the large freighters on the lakes. The S. S. William G. Mather’s Bearings Conforming to a general plan of safety and uninter- test and low co-efficient of friction ensure its dura- rupted service as determined upon by the Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Works, owners of the vessel, the main bearings, crank-pin bearings and thrust bearings are supplied with the best lining metal obtainable— PARSONS’ WHITE BRASS S.A. _ Its uniformity and durability ensure efficient service voyage after voyage. The metal’s high physical qualities, viz. elastic limit under compression, hardness as shown by the Brinell bility, while the reputation of its makers is a guarantee of its uniformity. It is quickly melted, easily poured and easily machined. In the final analysis it is cheaper than other babbitts because replacements are fewer. Stocks kept in Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Galveston, Mobile, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Write for prices to THE WILLIAM CRAMP & SONS SHIP & ENGINE BLDG. CO. PHILADELPHIA Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers