January, 1927 MARINE REVIEW 87 MARINE DEPARTMENT of American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING PITTSBURGH. PENNA. BUILDERS OF » PEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS The Evaporator ~ that protects 9,000,000 B. Hp. N Pits Bulletin 330 explains why ; Send for copy THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. Dept. N, 285 Madison Ave., New York Chicago Office: 814-A Monadnock Bldg. Philadelphia Cleveland St. Louis San Francisco Boston Detroit New Orleans Los Angeles Rochester Milwaukee Houston Pittsburgh Minneapolis Dallas Denver Columbus Kansas City Charlotte Salt Lake City Indianapolis a Tulsa For Canada: Riley Engineering and Supply Company, Ltd., Toronto The | Perfection Water Still Cleaned in five Minutes Oe x Stock sizes 5 G. P.H. to 300 G. P.H. Full information, blue: prints, prices, etc. on request. Perfection Equipment Co. Market and 4th Sts. St. Louis, Mo. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers