January, 1927 MARINE REVIEW 91. ENGINEERS CONTRACTING BOSTON N, MASS. Lou DESIGNERS OF DRY DOCKS | rhowix Marne Te | | DURABLE WIRE ROPE Refrigerating Machines | . : i ben eld al The Marline Served Rope to meet the requirements o the Marine Engineer. Motor For All Ships Purposes driven, and either manual or automatic control. Silent Especially adapted for ; chain drive, fully enclosed, ebay Vi alin ore set sutgaise p teewea pactness. . TOPPING LIFTS GUY TACKLES DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY The Phoenix Ice Machine Co., BOSTON, MASS. Cleveland, 2711 Church Ave. Chicago Cleveland Philadelphia New York May we Send Full Details? Phoenix Ice Machine PP ie CHARCOAL IRON For extreme service specify TYLER GENUINE CHARCOAL IRON— knobbled by hand in the old fashioned way—tested to 1000 lbs. hydrostatic pressure, and meeting all requirements of U.S. Steamboat Rules and Reg- ulations, American Bureau of Shipping and A.S. M. E. Code Committee. TYLER TUBE & PIPE CO., Washington, Pa. WAREHOUSE STOCKS A.M. Castle & Co., Chicago, IIl.; A. M. Castle & Co., Seattle, Wash.; A.M. Castle & Co., San Francisco, Calif.; A.M. Castle & Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; Johnson-Peter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lukens Steel Co., New Orleans, La.; on Ria Bt Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Harrisburgh Pipe & Pipe Beneing Co. of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas; Bourne-Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohi ecial Representatives: W.M MacCleary-2 Rector St., New York City; Ww. oo S. Bateman and Co. es Peicelnke, Pa. New England Representative: Geo. W. Denyven—Boston, Mass. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers