96 A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co......... ' 93 American Bridge Co. «0... 87 American Engineering Co. ............ 25 American Shipbuilding Co........... Bi nieick American Steel Foundries ............ 39 American Strombos Co. Ine. ........ 89 B Babcock & Wilcox Go. .......4...0..000656 89 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd. 63 Boland & Cornelius: .....600....is.ccceccs. 97 Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. .............+ 37 Cc Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co.............00 79 Coen Company Ince............. Front Cover Columbian Bronze Corporation .... 97 Columbian Rope. Co.° .....:.....c0cc00000000 31 Continental Iron Works, The........ 93 Cory. Chas, & Sons Inc. -.....:::.:. 29 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & En- gine Building Co. 73, Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co. ........... 91 D PARE. TTI | OO; ii cidcsecsssssecqcssconesse 93 Davis Engineering Corporation.... 93 Pipa TREGCREES | CG iisii ccs ckcscessserensnsones 81 Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ................ Gy. Diehl Manufacturing Co. ................ 40 Durable Wire Rope Co. ................ 91 E Ellis Channel System of Steel Hull CORBET UOUOR 8555s So ncececearsocecverke 79 Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical 1 OC EGS i a as rela Re 79 F Farley, Edward P., & Co. Inc. .... 97 Federal Telegraph Co..........ccccc0000 OORT po le Pa Inside Back Cover Foster Marine Boiler Corp _........ 94 G Great Lakes Engineering Works.... 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The MARINE REVIEW H TARGA: SAN iii Goasipsececkasteapschescacae 95 Haskelite Manufacturing Corp. .... 35 Hyde Windlass Co............... Back Cover I International Mercantile Marine Moos icin esas seas anus caaveaes ese enssens 94 Isherwood, Joseph W. ............cceeees 81 J Jamestown Metal Products, Inc. .... 33 Jerguson Gage & Valve Co. ........ 85 K Kearfott Engineering Co. Inc...28, 83 Wea tiie Wl, Be CO. cscs cntovensessoncded 97 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. .... 97 Knipp, John C., & Sons ................. 32 M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. ...... 83 Matthews Engineering Co. ............ 34 Metal & Thermit Corporation .... 85 Morse, Andrew J., & Son Ince........ 97 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. .... 97 N New London Ship & Engine Co. .. 69 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dg Coa Se is Sa AiG ey A AP re Cea gp 26; 27 O Oldman-Magee Boiler Works Inc. 94 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation 81 Oshorn & Lande ING. .c cassie: 97 P Patten, John S., Engineering Co., Inc. Perfection Equipment Co. ............. 87 Phoenix Ice Machine Co. .............. 91 Plymouth Cordage Co. January, 1927 ye UCL Hu Ol RK, Prest-O-Lite Co. Inc. .......ccccccccccscereee eA eevee Inside Front Cover Prindiville, John, & Sons.............. 97 R Radio Corporation of America ... 98 Ritchie, E. S., & Sons ........s0.c..ses00 93 Ss Scovill Manufacturing Co. ........... 38 Sharples Specialty Co. ..........cccceees 59 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co............. 89 Siggers & -Siggers:: ici ees: 97 Sperry Gyroscope Co. .............s:eee0e 3 Stamford Foundry: Co. ...20.0....65.... 85 Standard Motor Construction Co. 98 Stratford, George, Oakum Co..... 75 Siurtevant; Bo We (Ce. sic cies 42 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 67 Superior Iron Works Co. ............ 77 wh Thorkote Products Co. Ine. ........ 73 Thorsen; P. S., &. Co. Inc....,.....:. 89 ROO” Wie ie hes ise ceaeacs 93 Todd Dry Dock, Engineering & Re- pair COP. So wai hu as 71 Toledo Shipbuilding Co. Ine. ........ 65 Trout he Go Oo. Aina oe 97 Tyler Tube: & Pipe Coe -ss.6608 91 U United American Lines Ine. ........ 94 United States Plywood Co. Ine..... q7 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. ............ 61 V Vacuum QO} C0. sco ok i ake 4 Ww Welin Davit & Boat Corporation 36 Western Block Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 9 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co... 97 Whitlock Cordage Co. Winton Engine Co. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp.