8 MARINE REVIEW February, 1927 oe anes eq oeee gpst3 PC RARS xe wet & BLAKE aS ae 6 Announcing The GREAT LAKES RED BOOK for 1927 24th ANNUAL EDITION Co right at the start of the shipping sea- son the RED BOOK for 1927 will contain the same carefully compiled information about the vessels and the companies that operate them that has made it for years the most widely used and best known directory on the Great Lakes. As in the past its convenient VEST-POCKET size will be continued and its daily use by captains, engineers and others on board ship, and by executives of operating companies is assured. More Great Lakes business is in sight today than ever be- fore. Millions of dollars will be spent this year in the operation and repair of the vessels which comprise the Great Lakes Fleet. The REp BOOK reaches the men who control the placing of this vast business in a way possible for no other directory. Space reservations are now being made and the cost is Full Page 23% x 4 inches $35.00 one color $42.50 two colors Half Page 17% x 23 inches so low you can ’t afford to miss this opportunity. We'll $20.00 one color gladly give you full details. $24.00 two colors ee Marine Review $12.50 one color PENTON BUILDING NEW YORK CLEVELAND CHICAGO ABC member ABP Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers