S. S. Wiitt1amM McLAvucHLAN (Hull No. 798) launched Oct. 7, 1926 at Lorain, O., by the American Ship Building Co. Great Lakes Shipyards Are Busy Seven Large Bulk Cargo Steamers for Ore Trade and Two Self Unload ers for struction in the principal Amer- ican shipyards on the Great Lakes are listed in the accompanying table. Shipbuilding on the Great Lakes may be said to be at this time more active than it has been since the great days following the war. There does not appear to be much en- couragement, however, in_ looking about for definite sources of continued new work. But this is a condition G sire ordered or now under con- which always has existed in ship- building, particularly on the Great Lakes. No less than nine large _ bulk Stone Trade Under By A. H. Jansson freighters are at, present under con- struction in shipyards of the Great Lakes. Four of these vessels are due Construction for delivery April 15, at the opening of navigation. is expected, all will be delivered be- The remaining five, it AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. Name of Vessel Type Launched Owner WILLIAM A. McLAUCHLAN Bulk freighter yes Interlake Steamship Co. RoBert HosBson Bulk freighter yes Interlake Steamship Co. GEORGE M. HUMPHREY Bulk freighter yes Kinsman Transit Co. L. E. Buiock Bulk freighter yes Inland Steel Co. Huu 797 Self-unloader no Bradley Transportation HARRY COULBY Bulk freighter no Interlake Steamship Co. GREAT LAKES ENGINEERING WORKS Name of Vessel Type Launched Owner Huut No. 255 Bulk freighter no Pittsburgh Steamship Co. Hutu No. 256 Self-unloader no Huron Transportation Co. MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORP. Name of Vessel Type Launched Owner GRAND RAPIDS Carferry yes Grand Trunk Railway MADISON Carferry yes Grand Trunk Railway DREDGE Diesel electric no Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. TOLEDO SHIPBUILDING CO. INC. Name of Vessel Type Launched Owner * Huuut No. 177 Carferry no Wabash Railroad Co. Hutt No. 178 Bulk freighter no Pittsburgh Steamship Co. AT LEFT—S. S. ROBERT HOBSON (HULL NO. 794) LAUNCHED OCT. 30, 1926—AT RIGHT S. S. GEORGE M. HUMPHREY (HULL NO 796) LAUNCHED DEC. 30, 1926—BOTH VESSELS ARE BEING BUILT BY THE AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO., AT LORAIN, O. 21