February, 1927 MARINE REVIEW 43 New Motor Vessel “ECKMUHL” Owned and operated by the Philadelphia Packet Line. 1. OWA, iso); Ws 25's, (loaded) 14'. Powered with a 450 B.H.P. Nelseco Diesel Engine, Type 6 MIR-22. Capacity 4oo Tons. AR Sa en * AS % \ : A unique packet service made possible with this new Nelseco-powered vessel — Ae type of coastwise freighter has just been put in service between Philadelphia and New York. This Diesel-powered vessel “ Eckmuhl” not only picks up cargoes from factories located at tidewater but delivers them either to distributing warehouses or direct to ocean steamers in New York harbor. This unique freighting service has been made possible—and profitable —due to the fact that the vessel is fitted with the latest, fuel-saving type of Diesel power unit—a 450 B.H.P. mechanical injection Nelseco engine, Type 6 MIR-22. On one-way from Philadelphia to New York—a distance of approxi- mately 255 statute miles—total fuel costs have averaged only 28 dollars. With cargoes of 400 tons this means a fuel expense of only 234 cents per 100,ton miles . . . truly a remarkable record. Nelseco engineers will gladly tell you about other interesting Nelseco installations and give you astonishing figures on the low operating cost of Diesel engines. Write for Pamphlet MR. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE COMPANY Groton, Conn., U. S. A. Chicago Representative West Coast Representative H. JACOBSEN «» New York Sales Office KING-KNIGHT CO. 25 North Dearborn Street 247 Park Avenue, New York Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles NELSECO Original licensees from and collaborators with M.A.N. since 1910 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers