February, 1927 MARINE REVIEW DROP, FORGED WELDLESS EYE BOoLTs Permanent ROLLED THREAD light-wei ght GALVANIZED OR PLAIN C onst ru cti on cones at Low Cost. 4” DIAM. WITH EYE %” INSIDE Weld W O od 66 66 66 iy" 46 6 1%" ayy Layers of wood welded together with a water resistant cement. QUICK SHIPMENT The ideal material for bulkhead construction, door panels, ceil- — OLIVER IRON AND STEEL CORP. ings, walls and drawer bottoms. 1001 MurRIEL ST. Will not buckle or warp, stands PITTSBURGH, PA. by itself, requires no backing. Needs one-third less paint than, composition material, by actual ESTABLISHED 1863 test. WELDWOOD is made by the largest manufacturer of plywood. Naval architects can choose from large stocks at New York and Detroit—dquick deliveries from stock. Hf) Hi DEAN BROS. MARINE PUMPS Have the inbuilt Qualities of long life. i 5-ply construction 5-ply construction U. T. t +f Ars el hs ee ie is of Weitere Mm soft ard woods. Weide woods. elded wit. sers estt J: with same water re- same water resist- sistant cement used ant cement used in in U.S. . Aircraft U. S. Aircraft pro- propeller construc- peller construction. tion. Catalogue and price list on request. UNLTED .S3TATSG PLYWOOD COMPANY, Inc. 603-07 West 36th St. New York, N. ¥: Specify Dean Pumps DEAN BROS. 0.0. /NDIANAPEOLIS. ESTABLISHED 1869 Branch Offices in New York & San Francisco Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers