February, 1927 MARINE REVIEW a. | Dry Docking 4 — Carpenter Ship =: — 7 and Repairing : — Joiner Work Fuel Oil Installations Tank Construction Diesel Installations New York Special Turbine os i ee Machinery Balancing Gocd Ships Deserve Good Workmanship. Installations Bo ASK US—Why FUEL OIL BEST BURNED By Use of BURNWELL EQUIPMENT fio _ SONS. fr Lgl sree ‘ (€<\ PATTEN ENGINEERING Co} TEN : INCORPORATED Z = Marine and Combustion Engineers_—e— }— TEN HANOVER ST. ~ NEW YORK CITY THERMIT WELDING Repairs to broken stern frames, rudder frames, shafts and other heavy or medium sections can be made quickly and perma- nently Thermit welding will not only save time but also the money involved in the replacement of expens:ve parts, while the strength and durab lity of the member will be greater than before—a permanent repair. Send for pamphlet No. 3440. If in a hurry, wire or telephone our nearest plant. Metal & Thermit Corporation 120 Broadway, New York Boston - Pittsburgh - Chicago - S. San Francisco - Toronto Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers