February, 1927 MARINE Lal UA; ai (wy Jak aie SS YX bomen ein ‘ AN vik Nitti Ul : td td mi ci | y — 2 r ara bales Pees ee, Nil YOU LEAVE PORT With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel is furnished with Supplies that you can de- Who hath desired the sea?— the immense and contempt ? pend or The shudder, the stumble, the fi ese tage oe That is the kind we have been delivering to as the star-splitting bowsprit emerges? the boats on the great lakes for over 80 Rudyard Kipling. years. Our General Catalog No. II] should be in OWN plunges her nose the hands of every vessel owner or operator. buried: ; urled In stormy’ seas. Forwarded on application. Waves pound her sides, and 9 break swirling over decks. Lee GE0-B-CARPENTER & CO. scuppers under. Yet on she MARINE SUPPLIES goes, riding the waves without 436 No. Wells St. Chicago fear, deck and side seams right-caulked with STRATFORD OAKUM Sailormen like Stratford Oak- um—they know it and use it. And so did their granddads, nearly a hundred years ago. They knew, as you will know, that there is only one oakum to use, and it is Stratford. Manitowoc and Boats! —these two have been synonymous for years. For Manitowoc has long been identified with shipbuild- ing. It is not only significant of high grade, F sea-worthy vessels but it also carries the confidence and trust that only successful boatbuilders enjoy. We design and build steel passenger boats, freight- ers, car ferries, self unloaders, sand suckers, dredges, lighters, tugs, fireboats, dump scows, mar- ine engines and boilers, ship auxiliary machinery, etc. : Do not accept a substitute, there is none “just as good.” GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO. Jersey City, Let us figure on your requirements MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORP. Manitowoc, Wis. MANITOWOC Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers New Jersey Also manutacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste