February, 1927 MARINE REVIEW 81 For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted Help Wanted Advertisements 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 10th of the month. Please have remittance accompany order. For Sale For Sale For Sale FOR SALE: SCOTCH MARINE BOILER. In. excellent condition, complete with stack, britchen, safety valves, saddles, etc. Shell DRY DOCK * measures 5’3’’ x 8’6” with a corrugated fire FOR SALE box. The Wallaceburg Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd., Wallaceburg, Ont., Canada. Floating dry dock, wood, Al condition. Just rebuilt, equipped with new elec- tric centrifugal pumps, 2 boxes, 50’ and 40’ by 65’ wide, 8’ deep. SCREW STEAMER 124’ ernment Cutter ‘‘Lexington’”’ altered for com- bination passenger-freight mail. Outright sale or operating proposition considered. Inspection at 182nd Street, Hudson River (Tel. Wads- xX 24" X 9’ GOV- BOAT CHECKS CASHED Kraft Ship Yard & Dry Dock Co., 94th St. & Calumet River worth 5440—Apt. 1-f) Mrs. J. Frelloehr, 631 at Sam’s Cigar Store Edgecombe Ave., New York City. So. Chicago, IIl. Cigars, Cigarettes general confectionery. W ant ed Sam Haddad, 6389 St. Clair Street, NEW PUMPS Toledo, Ohio. 2% by 3% Peg nes Dredge : VERT ‘2, a 1 e With two or three steel scows, 100 to 200 Corner of Cherry Street. 8 Blake 14 x 10 x 24 yard capacity; also steel dredging tug suit- 4 Cameron 7 x 7 x 12 able for this equipment, preferably for and 1 Davidson 44% x 6 x 8 aft compound. Want for lower St. Lawrence 5 Davidson 6 x 8 x 8 River. 9 Doe Hse, Soa wee set! 5 Dow 6 x 7 x 8 Address Box 377, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, Ohio. 5 Dow 6 x 8 x 8 1 Dow 14 x 9 x 12 HORIZONTAL e,e i 1 Blake 5 x 8 x 12 Positions W anted eerie Aue 10% x 18 avidson 10% x 6% x 10 FOR SALE 3 Union 8% x 5 x 0 TWO—6 CYLINDER, 11’ X 14”, 225 BHP | 3 Weinman 8 x 5 x 12 SPECIAL POSITION WANTED WINTON FULL DIESEL ENGINES, DIRECT} 4 Weinman 14 x 8 x 12 A Naval Architect and Marine Engineer AIR REVERSIBLE, WITH COMPRESSORS 1 Gardner 12 x 8% x 12 with ten years of extensive training in design, ATTACHED; AIR BOTTLES AND EQUIP- 5 Cameron 5 x 5 x 7% construction, supervision, sales, advertising, insurance and office management; familiar with steam, Diesel and gas engines and their equipment. Successful in meeting and con- versing with men of importance. A _ position of responsibility and an opportunity of ad- vancement, salary commensurate with posi- tion and location. Connection with Nationally known firm only. A _ personal interview de- MENT. NEVER USED. MARIETTA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, POINT PLEASANT, WEST VIRGINIA FOR SALE, PASSENGER AND PACKAGE freight steamer Pere Marquette, 8, 171 ft. x 35 ft., in good condition, price reasonable. Will carry autos. Also a 57’ kerosene motor All Fully Brass Fitted Also Large stock of refitted pumps Admiralty Type both Simplex and Duplex MARVIN BRIGGS, INC., 167 Sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. sired. References upon application. Address | freight boat. Pere Marquette Line Steamers, Box 878, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. Manistee, Mich. =o fs E 2 What have YOU to sell? 2 3 2 If you have a steamer, freighter, tug, barge or any other floating property, or ship equipment— = = Tell the thousands of vessel owners and operators who read MARINE REVIEW what you have = 5 to interest them. Now is a good time to let them know, don’t you think? = = Our suggestion is that you put a little advertisement in the March issue of MARINE 2 E * REVIEW—right here on this page—where it will be seen by those who want to buy. 2 = Better make sure your advertisement is mailed right now if you want it to appear in the = = March issue. It goes to press February 20. = : MARINE REVIEW—Cleveland : VHT 10000 ORNS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers