82 MARINE REVIEW February, 1927 reg ATT A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co......... 73 American Bridge Cou... 73 American Engineering Co. .......... oT American Shipbuilding Co............. Ge American Strombos Co. Inc ........ 73 : B Babcock & Wilcox Co. ......ccsceecees 65 Bethlehem Steel Co. ............ceccccceeees 41 Boland & Cornelius ..............cceeee 79 C Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co ............ 63 Columbian Bronze Corporation...... 77 Columbian Rope Re ee haw iis estan 9 Continental Iron Works, The. ipakeas 69 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & En- gine Building Co. .......... Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co. ............ 75 Cummings Machine Works ............ 84 D TPR PCIE CO, oasis cicededesverosssevonss 75 Davis Engineering Corporation... 69 Dean. Brothera Co. vieccccsicsssvcescoeesss 53 Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ............ 6, 7% Durable Wire Rope Co. .................. 65 E Electric Storage Battery Co. ........ 35 Ellis Channel System of Steel Hull Constructions . ......cccc..cssesescaces 67 F Fairbanks, Morse & Co. ............ 59, 60 Farley, Edward P., & Co. Ince....... 79 Me eis rig secscrce ven sesso aussevoss cies 67 G General Electric Co. ....iccccissccscscccocss 45 Goldschmidt, Th., Corporation........ taal pug iebess cic cndmiucneruus Inside Back Cover Great Lakes Engineering Works.. 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The .............. 61 H SINR OO rele aychiutrnivias 81 Hyde Windlass Co. ............ Back Cover I International Mercantile Marine PAROS Oe inikoun ee ele 84 Isherwood, Loceih: WES oct asurees 61 J Jerguson Gage & Valve Co........... Dt K Resting: Bo Bs Go. ccc en 73 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co..... 79 Kidde, Walter & Co. Inc...Front Cover L Linde Air Products Co., The ........ LHCUUERN Gc SAIEE aces eee Inside Front Cover . M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp ...... 63 Metal & Thermit Corporation ...... 55 Moran Towing & Transportation OO INO a Si vin 29 Morse, Andrew J., & Son Inc....... sae oj Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co. .... 55 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co....... 77 N New London Ship & Engine Co. 43 Newport News Shipbuilding & ry Dock: Ce. k...chsoiukiswccu G1 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works Inc. 77 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation 53 Osborn & Lange: Ine: ........6::s.00ec 79 P Patten, John S., Engineering Co. BGS vibrates ese a 55 Perfection Equipment Co. .............. 57 Phoenix Ice Machine Co. ..........000 77 Plymouth Cordage Co. ......cseeeee 33 Power Specialty Co. ........ccscccesssees ges Prindiville, John, & Sons ........0000+ 79 R Ritchie, E. S., & Sos ..........ccscceeee 65 Ss Sheriffs Manufacturing Co. .......... 71 Siggers & Siggers .......csscssecccerees 79 Sperry Gyroscope Co. ..........cccccoee 3 Stamford Foundry Co. ...........sccsee0s 61 Standard Motor Construction Co. 84 Stratford, George, Oakum Co....... 63 Sturtevant,. B. Fs Ce. co esse ceciscsee 69 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 49 ' Superior Iron Works Co. ...........0. 79 i Thorkote Products Co. Ine. ............ 57 Thorsen, P. S., & Co. Ine. ............ 71% Tiehout, Wi B71 a. vsisiisisissksnischeidecsass 69 Toledo Shipbuilding Co. Inc, a 47 rOutr Os Gh. Cr 68 3 sccacean TF Tyler: Tabe &- Pipe, Co. ..iii.icscdecs 65 U United American Lines Ine. ........ 84 United States Plywood Co. Ine. ...... 53 United States Rubber Co. .............. 67 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. ..........5 31 ¥ Vaeuter Ol) Cee ok 4 WwW Walker, Thos., & Son, Ltd. .......... 71 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 39 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co..... 79 Whitlock Cordage €o. Winton Engine Co.